Dev Center Updates

API Updates and Announcements for July 6, 2023

by BigCommerce
API Updated the node and npm versions required to use Widget Builder. Added an article about getting started with Next.js + BigCommerce, the BigCommerce-optimized version of Vercel’s Next Commerce v2. Archived the v1 Quick
Developer Blog

API Updates for June 29, 2023

by BigCommerce
API Updated our v2/shipping/zone/:zoneId/methods API for the default_cost property. Added inventory settings override for storefront channels to product inventory webhook. Added the Site Content with the GraphQL Storefront API article.

API Update for June 22, 2023

by BigCommerce
API Added manage stored account payments section. This section describes how shoppers use the microapp to manage their stored payment instruments.

API Updates for June 15, 2023

by BigCommerce
API Added webhooks for price list assignments. Added limits for the coupon code length and coupon name. See Create a Coupon Code (Beta) and Create a New Coupon. Stencil Added information on how to access items in the Stencil object. See
Developer Blog

API Updates for June 8, 2023

by BigCommerce
API Storefront GraphQL Carts & Checkout is now available. The API Reference is included in the GraphQL Storefront API Reference. Added a GraphQL query example for listing brands by popularity. WordPress Added additional WordPress

API Updates for June 1, 2023

by BigCommerce
API Updated maximum inventory levels in the Inventory and Catalog APIs WordPress Added additional BigCommerce for WordPress Troubleshooting documentation. Theme Added limits to the banners object.

Cornerstone 6.11.0 for May 25, 2023

by BigCommerce
6.11.0 Reverted fix for sold-out badge appearance. #2354 If the gift is a variant, the button "Change" shows in the cart, and other variants are visible. #2349 Removes URL encoding from the 'description' in the product-rich snippet

API Updates for May 25, 2023

by BigCommerce
API Added date created filter on the Store Logs API. Added Inventory and Locations Webhooks for Buy Online, Pick up in Store

API Updates and Announcement for May 18, 2023

by BigCommerce
Announcement BigCommerce is preparing to deprecate our current SASS compiler, node-sass fork, in favor of the more modern node-sass, which will allow us to support the latest versions of Node (Node 18) in Stencil CLI. BigCommerce is