over 1 year ago
API Updates and Announcement for August 31, 2023
by BigCommerce
Resolved file errors in Marketing, Currencies, and Orders V3.
Added the X-Correlation-Id header to the group headless storefront requests. See the Correlating request section for details.
Added documentation on maximum cache timeover 1 year ago
API internal migration on August 7, 2023
by BigCommerce
We are implementing an internal migration for GET v3/catalog/categories and GET v3/catalog/categories/{category_id} endpoints to enhance our API’s performance. If you experience any unexpected API behavior on the following endpoint,over 1 year ago
API Updates and Announcement for August 3, 2023
by BigCommerce
Added date_created and date_modified to the response body for the Customers Group endpoint.
Updated the webhooks blocking strategy. See the Callback retry mechanism section for more information.
To help ensure platformover 1 year ago
Cornerstone 6.12.0 for July 10, 2023
by BigCommerce
Sync package lock file. #2373
The stored payment method name is not visible in Cornerstone Bold theme style. #2371
(sanitize product.description) in the theme results to ‘error length of description’ from Google indexingover 1 year ago
API Updates and Announcements for July 6, 2023
by BigCommerce
Updated the node and npm versions required to use Widget Builder.
Added an article about getting started with Next.js + BigCommerce, the BigCommerce-optimized version of Vercel’s Next Commerce v2. Archived the v1 Quickalmost 2 years ago
Cornerstone 6.11.0 for May 25, 2023
by BigCommerce
Reverted fix for sold-out badge appearance. #2354
If the gift is a variant, the button "Change" shows in the cart, and other variants are visible. #2349
Removes URL encoding from the 'description' in the product-rich snippetalmost 2 years ago
API Updates and Announcement for May 18, 2023
by BigCommerce
BigCommerce is preparing to deprecate our current SASS compiler, node-sass fork, in favor of the more modern node-sass, which will allow us to support the latest versions of Node (Node 18) in Stencil CLI.
BigCommerce isalmost 2 years ago
API Updates and Announcements for May 11, 2023
by BigCommerce
Added a 400 error code to Get all customer groups and Delete a customer group endpoints.
We’ve rewritten our article on the Scripts API to better support upcoming product releases.
B2B Edition, formerly BundleB2B, releasedalmost 2 years ago
API Updates and Announcements for May 4, 2023
by BigCommerce
Deprecated the Get Events endpoint.
Deprecated the events_history_enabled field in the Create a Webhook and Update a Webhook endpoints.
Developer Blog
BigCommerce Launches Three Major Enhancements to B2B Edition