Record Count is being removed from Price Lists API

by BigCommerce
Beginning soon, the Price Lists API will no longer return a record_count on the Price Lists object. You can still understand how many records are in a particular price list by looking at the meta information on a Price List Record...

Updated Scripts API Description

by BigCommerce
The Scripts API was updated to clarify the placement visibility. Fixed Link to Subscribers API in V2 documentation.
Bug Fix

Wordpress Beta and Webhook Updated

by BigCommerce
Wordpress Beta is accepting signups. Learn more here. Store information webhook was listed incorrectly. It was store/information/created. It is now store/information/updated. Updated dimensiondecimalplaces. Returns a number instead of...
Bug Fix

Cart Updated Webhook and Storefront Cart API Updates

by BigCommerce
Updated webhook store/cart/updated. It will now fire when the email changes during a guest checkout. Fixed error where when clicking on delete or update a webhook it didn’t take you to the correct location. Added webhook store...

Customer Password Validation and Swagger File Removed

by BigCommerce
New endpoint for customer password validation added. Removed V3 Swagger file download.

Price Lists API

by BigCommerce
The Price List API different versions of catalog pricing and assign them to different Customer Groups.

New Scripts API

by BigCommerce
The Scripts API can be used to place {{header}} and {{footer}} scripts into a store’s page. This alleviates the need to ask a customer to copy and paste in the script for the app.

Storefront Checkout Available Shipping Options

by BigCommerce
Updated Storefront Checkout availableShippingOptions in all responses to have type.

Removed reCAPTCHA, Updated Webhooks and Fixed Broken Image

by BigCommerce
Removed v1 reCAPTCHA from homepage. Updated store/cart/updated webhook to show correct trigger events. Fixed broken image on app update sequence.
Bug Fix