over 5 years ago
Stencil-CLI 1.18.0 Release
by BigCommerce
Adds new setURLQueryParam helper Updates BrowserSync to the latest version Removes the need to specify a Client ID when running stencil init (only a token is required now) To get this update, simply run npm install -g @bigcommerce...over 5 years ago
Cornerstone 4.0.0 Release
by BigCommerce
Enhancements Update @babel/polyfill to 7.4.4 #1521 Add maxlength to text options #1531 Add return instructions in return-saved.html #1525 Remove Google Plus #1526 Enable Facebook like button to be displayed on product page if enabled...over 5 years ago
Stencil Documentation Re-Architecture
by BigCommerce
We have rolled out organizational changes to the Stencil Documentation. Changes include: -Improved navigation structure -Articles titles are more concise and accurately sit within the navigation -Content has been consolidated and...over 5 years ago
API Updates July 5, 2019
by BigCommerce
Announcements Client Secret Length As of July 2, 2019: Rollout of increasing the client secret from 32 characters to 64 characters was started. Any existing client secrets will work as normal Any new accounts created using the Big...over 5 years ago
API Updates June 28, 2019
by BigCommerce
V3 Customers API As of June 27th, 2019, the V3 Customers API is out of beta. Returns storecreditamounts if storecredit is added as an includes. acceptsproductreviewabandonedcart_emails was added. It determines if the is signed up to...over 5 years ago
API and Stencil Updates June 25, 2019
by BigCommerce
Announcement As of June 17th, Wishlist API is now out of beta. Maintenance API Fixed inaccuracies in Orders POST. Removed sub-resources that are read-only and marked required fields. Added discountrules type and pricelist_id to...almost 6 years ago
Cornerstone 3.5.0 Release
by BigCommerce
Enhancements Update license year. #1510 Stop running Travis against Node 6 #1511 Clean up whitespace in #1513 Add additional regions #1491 Remove remoteapiscripts from the templates #1505 Bug Fixes No Bug Fixes in Cornerstone...almost 6 years ago
Removing support for Node 6 in stencil-cli
by BigCommerce
Due to Node 6's End of Life, we've removed support for it in stencil-cli from version 1.16.0 and we'll be working on phasing it out of other Stencil-related projects. As of this writing, the only supported version of Node for use with...almost 6 years ago
Change to image resizing behavior
by BigCommerce
Starting May 30, images requested via the {{getImage}} helper will always be returned at the requested size, even if the original image has lower pixel dimensions than the requested size - it will be upsized in this case. We recommend...