over 4 years agoCornerstone 4.9.0by BigCommerceAdded correct alt text on image change in product view. #1747 Description tab is hidden in case of empty product description. #1746 Stencil CLI updated to the latest version. #1744 Added immediate keyboard focus for quick view modal...
over 4 years agoCornerstone 4.8.0by BigCommerceFixed Facebook button during modal scrolling behaviour. #1724 Fixed Product Image dimensions not constrained proportionally on Cart page which can lead to element overlapping. #1722 Added byte type on file upload options when max file...
over 4 years agoControl Panel URL change now liveby BigCommerceThe URL used in all store Control Panels will now reflect the store's Permanent Address (i.e. store-abc123.mybigcommerce.com). Previously, if a store had an SSL certificate installed, the store URL (i.e. my-store.com) and the Control...
almost 5 years agoCornerstone 4.6.1by BigCommerceEnhancements and Bug Fixes Product option special characters are not rendered on invoice, order contents and returns #1681 Bump lazysizes to 5.2.1 #1682 Add rel="noopener" to social links #1678 Display Klarna logo in payment icons #1680...
almost 5 years agoCornerstone 4.5.4by BigCommerceEnhancements and Bug Fixes Added SchemaTranslations.json for Cornerstone #1644 Bump lazysizes to 5.2.0 #1646 Facets with & symbol work now #1654 Added Handlebars class/style variables for account fields #1655 Fixed logo in admin bar...
almost 5 years agoExtend the BigCommerce Page Builder with custom Widgets!by BigCommerceBeginning April 8, BigCommerce stores will have improved content management capabilities in the new Page Builder feature. This new capability is being slowly rolled out, starting with new BigCommerce stores. BigCommerce provides several...
almost 5 years agoChrome's SameSite changes have been temporarily reverted by Googleby BigCommerceIn a previous changelog entry, we warned you about changes to Chrome's handling of cookies via the new SameSite attribute, which affects the behavior of cookies in iframes, and thus affects the loading of BigCommerce apps. Google has...
almost 5 years agoGraphQL Storefront API Updates - April 3, 2020by BigCommerceBugs Fixed An issue where product description and relatedProducts would sometimes return null when the product was looked up via a route has been fixed. New Features The GraphQL Storefront API now supports running requests in the...
almost 5 years agoCornerstone 4.4.2by BigCommerceEnhancements and Bug Fixes Remove "cookie notification" feature as it is no longer useful #1636 Fix the html special chars issue in facet names (titles) #1637 Fix category header image size #1640 Fix navigation issues in Search Results...