over 6 years agoUpdated Landing Page and Nav Barby BigCommercePreviously, stencil.bigcommerce.com routed you to a landing page, where you then clicked to get to the Stencil documentation. To create a more seamless experience, stencil.bigcommerce.com now routes you directly to the documentation...
over 6 years agoCornerstone 2.2.0 Releaseby BigCommerceEnhancements Add alias for lazysizes module to bundle minified library. PR #1275 Fix duplicate input ID's in product review form. PR #1276 Bug Fixes Fix quantity edit on Simple Product AMP pages. PR #1257 Fix empty image on carousel...
almost 7 years agoCornerstone 2.1.0 Releaseby BigCommerceThese release notes are intended for BigCommerce store owners using the Cornerstone theme on the Stencil framework. They cover: Enhancements Bug Fixes Using Cornerstone Enhancements Add Newsletter summary section to subscription form...
almost 7 years agoWordpress Beta and Webhook Updatedby BigCommerceWordpress Beta is accepting signups. Learn more here. Store information webhook was listed incorrectly. It was store/information/created. It is now store/information/updated. Updated dimensiondecimalplaces. Returns a number instead of...
almost 7 years agoCart Updated Webhook and Storefront Cart API Updatesby BigCommerceUpdated webhook store/cart/updated. It will now fire when the email changes during a guest checkout. Fixed error where when clicking on delete or update a webhook it didn’t take you to the correct location. Added webhook store...
almost 7 years agoCustomer Password Validation and Swagger File Removedby BigCommerceNew endpoint for customer password validation added. Removed V3 Swagger file download.
almost 7 years agoPrice Lists APIby BigCommerceThe Price List API different versions of catalog pricing and assign them to different Customer Groups.
almost 7 years agoNew Scripts APIby BigCommerceThe Scripts API can be used to place {{header}} and {{footer}} scripts into a store’s page. This alleviates the need to ask a customer to copy and paste in the script for the app.
almost 7 years agoStorefront Checkout Available Shipping Optionsby BigCommerceUpdated Storefront Checkout availableShippingOptions in all responses to have type.