API and Themes Updates August 26, 2019
by BigCommerce
API attributes object has been added under rate request item for Shipping Provider API to pass custom metafields to shipping providers Updated Webhooks documentation to include our process for blacklisting destination URIs Theme...timestamp1565987640001
Stencil-CLI 1.20.0 Release
by BigCommerce
You can now specify your store URL, token, and port while running stencil init. Try it out! stencil init --url https://store.com --token myaccesstoken12345 To get this update, simply run npm install -g @bigcommerce/stencil-clitimestamp1565985600001
API and Theme Updates August 16, 2019
by BigCommerce
API include_fields is now an available parameter on products PUT and POST actions type is not mutable, removed from Update Customer Attributes fieldValue description updated to reflect current behavior for Storefront Checkout. Applied...timestamp1565973000001
BigDesign Open Beta Launched
by BigCommerce
We are excited to announce that BigDesign is now available in open beta. BigDesign is the design system used by BigCommerce UX designers and engineers to create the look and feel of the BigCommerce control panel. Now, external...
Stencil-CLI 1.19.0 Release
by BigCommerce
Fixes a bug where using the {{getImage}} helper as a nested expression on the {{json}} helper returned unexpected results Update the @bigcommerce/stencil-paper dependency to the latest major version To get this update, simply run npm...timestamp1564678980001
Stencil-CLI 1.18.0 Release
by BigCommerce
Adds new setURLQueryParam helper Updates BrowserSync to the latest version Removes the need to specify a Client ID when running stencil init (only a token is required now) To get this update, simply run npm install -g @bigcommerce...timestamp1564597980001
Cornerstone 4.0.0 Release
by BigCommerce
Enhancements Update @babel/polyfill to 7.4.4 #1521 Add maxlength to text options #1531 Add return instructions in return-saved.html #1525 Remove Google Plus #1526 Enable Facebook like button to be displayed on product page if enabled...timestamp1563469620001
Stencil Documentation Re-Architecture
by BigCommerce
We have rolled out organizational changes to the Stencil Documentation. Changes include: -Improved navigation structure -Articles titles are more concise and accurately sit within the navigation -Content has been consolidated and...timestamp1562349600001
API Updates July 5, 2019
by BigCommerce
Announcements Client Secret Length As of July 2, 2019: Rollout of increasing the client secret from 32 characters to 64 characters was started. Any existing client secrets will work as normal Any new accounts created using the Big...