about 5 years ago
Changes to Chrome’s SameSite cookie policies that may affect BigCommerce apps
by BigCommerce
Beginning in February, the way Google Chrome handles cross-site cookies is changing to prevent cookies without an explicit SameSite policy from loading in cross-origin requests. More details on Chrome’s upcoming changes are available on...about 5 years ago
GraphQL Storefront API Updates - December 11th, 2019
by BigCommerce
We're excited to announce several improvements to the GraphQL Storefront API! Bugs Fixed An issue which prevented looking up products on the product node via parent SKU code when the product had variants was fixed. Enhancements The...over 5 years ago
API and Theme Updates for November 15, 2019
by BigCommerce
Contribute to BigCommerce Dev Docs We're excited to announce BigCommerce is accepting contributions to our developer documentation. Want to get involved? Learn more. API Storefront API tokens support JWT Updated the ShippingZoneMethod...over 5 years ago
API and Theme Updates October 18, 2019
by BIgCommerce
API Added graphqlstorefrontapienabled and wishlistsenabled to Store Information API Theme origin is now available via Stencil Global Settings Object model Developer Blog What Developers Need to Know About Upcoming BigCommerce Multi...over 5 years ago
Stencil-CLI 1.21.0 Release (Node 10 support)
by BigCommerce
Stencil CLI now supports environments using Node 10 To get this update, simply run npm install -g @bigcommerce/stencil-cliover 5 years ago
Required stencil-cli version is now 1.20.2
by BigCommerce
As mentioned in a previous update, the required stencil-CLI version for local development is now 1.20.2. To update to the latest version of stencil-cli, simply run npm install -g @bigcommerce/stencil-cli. We recommend using the latest...over 5 years ago
Storefront API now in Open Beta!
by BigCommerce
Our GraphQL Storefront API is now in Open Beta and available for use on any store using Stencil. The GraphQL Storefront API enables you to freely query storefront data on top of the BigCommerce Stencil theming framework. This means that...over 5 years ago
API and Themes Updates September 13, 2019
by BigCommerce
API A customer_id query parameter was added to the Orders API for filtering Updated Orders API documentation to include information on accessing customer file uploads Theme Corrected Stencil Handlebars Cart Items object to reflect...over 5 years ago
API and Themes Updates August 30, 2019
by BigCommerce
API Under Create a Customer, attributename was changed to attributeid. Text was added to explain attributes must be created before the customer. Theme Stencil CLI installation instructions have been revised and include new Windows...