Chrome's SameSite changes have been temporarily reverted by Google

by BigCommerce
In a previous changelog entry, we warned you about changes to Chrome's handling of cookies via the new SameSite attribute, which affects the behavior of cookies in iframes, and thus affects the loading of BigCommerce apps. Google has...

GraphQL Storefront API Updates - April 3, 2020

by BigCommerce
Bugs Fixed An issue where product description and relatedProducts would sometimes return null when the product was looked up via a route has been fixed. New Features The GraphQL Storefront API now supports running requests in the...
Storefront API

New control_panel_base_url property on Store Information API

by BigCommerce
A new controlpanelbase_url property has been added to the Store Information API. This will always return the appropriate URL for the store's control panel, so you should use it for any instance where you need to link back to the control...

Stencil-CLI 2.0.0 Release

by BigCommerce
The local Theme Editor has been removed, as it is no longer representative of the production experience. To test theme settings, we recommend pushing your theme up to a store and using the real editor. Add-to-cart issues when developing...
Developer Blog

PHPSESSID cookie will be removed from storefronts on April 9, 2020

by BigCommerce
On April 9, 2020, the PHPSESSID cookie will no longer be set by BigCommerce on the BigCommerce storefront or control panel.

Certain V2 API DELETE endpoints are being removed on May 10

by BigCommerce
On May 10, the following endpoints will be removed from the V2 API: DELETE /v2/products DELETE /v2/option_sets (sometimes aliased as /v2/optionsets) DELETE /v2/customers This change ONLY affects the "collection delete" capability which...

Stencil-CLI 1.21.6 Release (Supports "stencil pull")

by BigCommerce
New feature added to allow pulling the theme configuration (config.json) from the live store, to make sure your local configuration matches the live store's theme before pushing a new version. This can help catch changes to theme...

Changes to Chrome’s SameSite cookie policies that may affect BigCommerce apps

by BigCommerce
Beginning in February, the way Google Chrome handles cross-site cookies is changing to prevent cookies without an explicit SameSite policy from loading in cross-origin requests. More details on Chrome’s upcoming changes are available on...

API and Theme Updates for January 3, 2020

by BigCommerce
API GraphQL API Playground is now available within BigCommerce's Dev Docs site. consent_category added to Scripts API which allows users of the Scripts API to indicate the nature of their script. New BigCommerce features will prevent...
Developer Blog