Rendered Widget HTML now available in GraphQL Storefront API

by BigCommerce
You may now fetch the rendered HTML of widgets created via Widgets API or Page Builder. To get the content, you’ll need to provide a page type, and the ID for the page (if necessary). In the response, you’ll get a list of all the regions on
Storefront API

BigCommerce for WordPress 4.13.0 for June 17, 2021

by BigCommerce
4.13.0 View release 4.13.0 on GitHub Added Added support for password reset for users that exist only on BC (not yet synced with WP). Delete all channels from the WP database on plugin uninstall so a fresh channel list is pulled when

Blueprint Theme Update for June 17, 2021

by BigCommerce
Blueprint Themes Removed Internet Explorer 11 or later from the list of Supported Browsers for the BigCommerce control panel. Developer Blog Headless Commerce Summit 2021 Recapped Now in Open Beta: Product Sort Order API on BigCommerce
Developer Blog

API Update and Announcement for June 4, 2021

by BigCommerce
API Corrected pagination meta for the Channel Listings endpoint. Requests no longer return a page number in the pagination response.

API Update and Announcement for June 3, 2021

by BigCommerce
API Added the Product Sort Order API(Open Beta) which allows you to effectively manage the sort order of products displayed on any given category page. Developer Blog Inclusive And Accessible Omnichannel Strategies with JAMstack
Developer Blog

BigCommerce for WordPress 4.12.0 for May 28, 2021

by BigCommerce
4.12.0 View release 4.12.0 on GitHub Added Support for fetching products by SKU via query and shortcode. Added "Product Sync Log" section to the Settings > Diagnostics panel in the WP Admin. This shows the last 10 sync attempts and their

GraphQL Storefront API now supports sorting products within categories

by BigCommerce
The GraphQL Storefront API’s now supports sorting the products on a Category node, using the sortBy parameter. This will match the equivalent sorting behaviors on the BigCommerce Storefront (Stencil). Consider this query: query
Storefront API

GraphQL Login Mutation now returns entire Customer object

by BigCommerce
The GraphQL Storefront API’s Login Mutation now supports fetching all of the details of the customer account after a successful login. Consider this query: mutation Login($email: String!, $pass: String!) { login(email: $email, password:
Storefront API

BigCommerce for WordPress 4.11.0 for May 5, 2021

by BigCommerce
4.11.0 Added Added support for a generic segment tracking event on order completion via embedded checkout. Added customizer option and cart functionality to process coupon/promo codes. Changed Optimized brand and category import (less time