over 6 years ago
Legacy OAuth Removed
by BigCommerce
As of July 31, 2018 legacy auth has been removed for new BigCommerce stores. Existing legacy integrations will continue to work, we recommend upgrading as soon as possible.over 6 years ago
Revise Windows Installation Workflow and hyperlink to paper-handlebars
by BigCommerce
The Windows installation section has been revised to reflect updates with Node. Now each Mac, Windows, and Linux Installation Instructions should include the following snippet: Stencil requires the Node.js runtime environment, version 6...over 6 years ago
Custom Sass Functions Updated
by BigCommerce
The stencilImage function is now documented in the Custom Sass Functions Article, providing an explanation of the function's expected input and output.over 6 years ago
Cornerstone 2.2.1 Release
by BigCommerce
Enhancements Disable zoom and link for default "No Image" image. PR #1291 Bug Fixes Fix wishlist dropdown background color bleeding out of container PR #1283 Fix indefinite load spinner for products without an image in order history...over 6 years ago
Blueprint Information filtered into Legacy Article
by BigCommerce
Content related to Switching between Blueprint and Stencil Themes is now in a Legacy article, but the content is referenced and is still accessible from the Switching Themes with Custom Templates article. over 6 years ago
Updated Article URL Slugs
by BigCommerce
A few reference hyperlinks were leading to 404 pages, or the URL slug was not representative of the article title/content. They have been updated to mitigate these issues.over 6 years ago
Updated Landing Page and Nav Bar
by BigCommerce
Previously, stencil.bigcommerce.com routed you to a landing page, where you then clicked to get to the Stencil documentation. To create a more seamless experience, stencil.bigcommerce.com now routes you directly to the documentation...over 6 years ago
Cornerstone 2.2.0 Release
by BigCommerce
Enhancements Add alias for lazysizes module to bundle minified library. PR #1275 Fix duplicate input ID's in product review form. PR #1276 Bug Fixes Fix quantity edit on Simple Product AMP pages. PR #1257 Fix empty image on carousel...over 6 years ago
Cornerstone 2.1.0 Release
by BigCommerce
These release notes are intended for BigCommerce store owners using the Cornerstone theme on the Stencil framework. They cover: Enhancements Bug Fixes Using Cornerstone Enhancements Add Newsletter summary section to subscription form...