Storefront API now in Open Beta!
by BigCommerce
Our GraphQL Storefront API is now in Open Beta and available for use on any store using Stencil. The GraphQL Storefront API enables you to freely query storefront data on top of the BigCommerce Stencil theming framework. This means that...timestamp1569619200001
API and Themes Updates September 27, 2019
by BigCommerce
Embedded Checkout An overview and tutorial for using Embedded Checkout are now available Channels, Sites and Routes Channels, Sites and Routes API Reference is now available API Based on feedback from the beta program, access to the...timestamp1569015720001
API and Themes Updates September 20, 2019
by BigCommerce
Webhooks Functionality Update Blacklisting logic has been updated to improve webhook reliability. Domains will now be blacklisted based on a minimum threshold and percentage success rate within a sliding scale time window. Read more...timestamp1567128360001
Stencil CLI minimum required version is changing on September 30th
by BigCommerce
On September 30th, 2019, the minimum required version of Stencil CLI will be raised to 1.20.2 from 1.8.0. After September 30th, you will not be able to run stencil start without being on at least the minimum supported version. This...timestamp1566835920001
API and Themes Updates August 26, 2019
by BigCommerce
API attributes object has been added under rate request item for Shipping Provider API to pass custom metafields to shipping providers Updated Webhooks documentation to include our process for blacklisting destination URIs Theme...timestamp1565987640001
Stencil-CLI 1.20.0 Release
by BigCommerce
You can now specify your store URL, token, and port while running stencil init. Try it out! stencil init --url https://store.com --token myaccesstoken12345 To get this update, simply run npm install -g @bigcommerce/stencil-clitimestamp1565985600001
API and Theme Updates August 16, 2019
by BigCommerce
API include_fields is now an available parameter on products PUT and POST actions type is not mutable, removed from Update Customer Attributes fieldValue description updated to reflect current behavior for Storefront Checkout. Applied...timestamp1565973000001
BigDesign Open Beta Launched
by BigCommerce
We are excited to announce that BigDesign is now available in open beta. BigDesign is the design system used by BigCommerce UX designers and engineers to create the look and feel of the BigCommerce control panel. Now, external...
Stencil-CLI 1.19.0 Release
by BigCommerce
Fixes a bug where using the {{getImage}} helper as a nested expression on the {{json}} helper returned unexpected results Update the @bigcommerce/stencil-paper dependency to the latest major version To get this update, simply run npm...