Legacy API Accounts Deprecation

by BigCommerce
As of July 31, 2018, new BigCommerce stores are no longer able to create Legacy API Accounts (accounts using HTTP Basic Auth) within their control panels. Existing Legacy API Accounts will continue to work until further notice, but we...

Custom Sass Functions Updated

by BigCommerce
The stencilImage function is now documented in the Custom Sass Functions Article, providing an explanation of the function's expected input and output.

Blueprint Information filtered into Legacy Article

by BigCommerce
Content related to Switching between Blueprint and Stencil Themes is now in a Legacy article, but the content is referenced and is still accessible from the Switching Themes with Custom Templates article.

Updated Landing Page and Nav Bar

by BigCommerce
Previously, stencil.bigcommerce.com routed you to a landing page, where you then clicked to get to the Stencil documentation. To create a more seamless experience, stencil.bigcommerce.com now routes you directly to the documentation...

Record Count is being removed from Price Lists API

by BigCommerce
Beginning soon, the Price Lists API will no longer return a record_count on the Price Lists object. You can still understand how many records are in a particular price list by looking at the meta information on a Price List Record...

Wordpress Beta and Webhook Updated

by BigCommerce
Wordpress Beta is accepting signups. Learn more here. Store information webhook was listed incorrectly. It was store/information/created. It is now store/information/updated. Updated dimensiondecimalplaces. Returns a number instead of...
Bug Fix

Price Lists API

by BigCommerce
The Price List API different versions of catalog pricing and assign them to different Customer Groups.

New Scripts API

by BigCommerce
The Scripts API can be used to place {{header}} and {{footer}} scripts into a store’s page. This alleviates the need to ask a customer to copy and paste in the script for the app.

reCAPTCHA Deprecated and Count Added to Banners

by BigCommerce
Removed “On February 1, 2018 TLS 1.0 will be deprecated. As of June 30, 2016 all requests must support Server Name Indication (SNI).” from Basics home page. Added “On March 31, 2018 reCAPTCHA v1 will be deprecated.” Added count to...