over 6 years agoCornerstone 2.2.1 Releaseby BigCommerceEnhancements Disable zoom and link for default "No Image" image. PR #1291 Bug Fixes Fix wishlist dropdown background color bleeding out of container PR #1283 Fix indefinite load spinner for products without an image in order history...
over 6 years agoExamples added to Create a Cart and Required request parameters addedby BigCommerceRequired parameters for all requests in V3 have been added. Examples of how to Create a Cart using the Server to Server API have been added. When using the is_visible filter on products and categories, the filter is 1 and 0. It...
over 6 years agoUpdated Endpoint Filtersby BigCommerceTo make the available filters easier to see and use, each endpoint has been updated with an example of the filter in use.
over 6 years agoCornerstone 2.2.0 Releaseby BigCommerceEnhancements Add alias for lazysizes module to bundle minified library. PR #1275 Fix duplicate input ID's in product review form. PR #1276 Bug Fixes Fix quantity edit on Simple Product AMP pages. PR #1257 Fix empty image on carousel...
over 6 years agoCornerstone 2.1.0 Releaseby BigCommerceThese release notes are intended for BigCommerce store owners using the Cornerstone theme on the Stencil framework. They cover: Enhancements Bug Fixes Using Cornerstone Enhancements Add Newsletter summary section to subscription form...
over 6 years agoRecord Count is being removed from Price Lists APIby BigCommerceBeginning soon, the Price Lists API will no longer return a record_count on the Price Lists object. You can still understand how many records are in a particular price list by looking at the meta information on a Price List Record...
over 6 years agoUpdated Scripts API Descriptionby BigCommerceThe Scripts API was updated to clarify the placement visibility. Fixed Link to Subscribers API in V2 documentation.
almost 7 years agoNew BigCommerce API Reference and Changelogby BigCommerceThe look of the documentation for the Storefront API's, V3 and the Changelog have all gotten a facelift. What Changed? The page now includes a table of contents methods and descriptions (middle column) request and response examples...
almost 7 years agoCart Updated Webhook and Storefront Cart API Updatesby BigCommerceUpdated webhook store/cart/updated. It will now fire when the email changes during a guest checkout. Fixed error where when clicking on delete or update a webhook it didn’t take you to the correct location. Added webhook store...