almost 6 years agoWishlist API is Now Availableby BigCommerceAnnouncement As of March 20th 2019 the Wishlist API is now available. The Wishlist API allows developers to create and edit customer wishlists on the store. Use wishlists to send targeted email campaigns to users, create wishlists based...
almost 6 years agoWidgets API is Now Availableby BigCommerceAnnouncement As of March 11, 2019 the Widgets API is available. Use Widgets to create custom, reusable content blocks without needed the heavy lifting of changing the template files and css. See our BigCommerce Developer Blog post on...
about 6 years agoCornerstone 3.2.2 Releaseby BigCommerceEnhancements Adding theme feature to indicate Cornerstone supports CSRF protection, which automatically activates the protection. #1459 Bug Fixes Fixed the add to cart modal on mobile. It now appears in the correct location. #1450...
about 6 years agoAPI Spec Files Available For Downloadby BigCommerceNew As of February 21, 2019: There is a new section in Cart and Checkout Overview that details common errors and how to solve for them. API specification files are downloadable. Specification files are found on each endpoint or in the...
about 6 years agoOptimized One Page Checkout Moving to Reactby BigCommerceIn March 2019, BigCommerce will be making changes to Optimized One Page Checkout. To improve rendering and loading performance, we will be updating the underlying JavaScript framework from Angular to React. This update will lay the...
about 6 years agoCornerstone 3.2.1 Releaseby BigCommerceEnhancements Added package-lock.json. #1441 Removed href="#" from quick view button. #1445 Removed href="#" from quick view list item. #1446 Bug Fixes Product description in Compare no longer shows escaped HTML. #1439 Using...
about 6 years agoCornerstone 3.2.0 Releaseby BigCommerceEnhancements Align product thumbnail image slider arrows. #1399 Don't fire Cart API request if there is no cart #1402 Ensure SKU and UPC display correctly for Variants on PDP. #1431 Cleanup and XSS fix on Cart page. #1434 Resolve...
about 6 years agoHandling Customer Sign Out from Checkoutby BigCommerceNote: This only applies if you have Persistent Cart enabled and are using a custom checkout built with the Checkout JS SDK. Persistent cart is now in the process of rolling out to BigCommerce stores. With this new feature, when a...
about 6 years agoCornerstone 3.1.1 Releaseby BigCommerceEnhancements Major performance improvements. Reduce Javascript bundle size from 376kb to 286kb. #1390 Send GA tracking event whenever the last product is removed from the cart #1409 Changed z-index to higher for header #1422 Removed...