API Updates for September 28, 2023

by BigCommerce
API General availability for GraphQL Storefront API. Added redirects V3 import-export functionality.

API Updates and Announcements for September 21, 2023

by BigCommerce
API Added Universal Analytics to the list of deprecations. Updated the Request shipping rates response body documentation to clarify that the discounted_cost field is optional. Stored Payment Instruments is now open beta. The Update

API Updates for September 14, 2023

by BigCommerce
API Added the sort query parameter to the GET All Categories endpoint. Added payload limits to the Inventory API. See Optimizing performance for details. Added pagination details (page and limit) to the GET All Currencies

API Updates and Announcement for September 7, 2023

by BigCommerce
API Added the new API property of generated_tracking_link to the Shipments API. Added the new API property of discounted_total_inc_tax for the API response for List Order Products and Get an Order Product endpoints. Announcement We are

API Updates and Announcement for August 31, 2023

by BigCommerce
API Resolved file errors in Marketing, Currencies, and Orders V3. Added the X-Correlation-Id header to the group headless storefront requests. See the Correlating request section for details. Added documentation on maximum cache time

API Updates for August 24, 2023

by BigCommerce
API Updated limit for image_file and image_url to 8MB. This change applies when adding or editing Catalog products. Updated Inventory service location limits and provided performance tips.  Developer Blog BigCommerce & Google’s BigAI
Developer Blog

API Updates for August 17, 2023

by BigCommerce
API Updated when to use Absolute Adjustment and Relative Adjustment endpoints for adjusting inventory. Added fields to the InventorySettings type in the GraphQL Storefront API. Updated expires_at description for the Create a Token

API Update for August 10, 2023

by BigCommerce
API Added significant updates to the Apps Quick Start Tutorial. Exact changes are viewable in GitHub.

API internal migration on August 7, 2023

by BigCommerce
API We are implementing an internal migration for GET v3/catalog/categories and GET v3/catalog/categories/{category_id} endpoints to enhance our API’s performance. If you experience any unexpected API behavior on the following endpoint,