BigCommerce for WordPress 4.19.0 for Oct 20, 2021

by BigCommerce
4.19.0 View release 4.19.0 on GitHub Added Added support for BC product create/update/delete webhooks. Turning on the "Enable Webhooks" creates a subscription to product create, update, and delete events, enabling products to be updated in

Moving to Sitemap Indexes

by BigCommerce
Over the course of October, storefronts will be moving to return a Sitemap Index by default when navigating to/xmlsitemap.php, the default sitemap route for storefronts. There will be separate sitemaps for different types of pages such as

BigCommerce for WordPress 4.18.0 for Oct 07, 2021

by BigCommerce
4.18.0 View release 4.18.0 on GitHub Changed Added support in the WP Menu feature for BC product sub-categories for adding the Product Categories. Updated version requirements and compatibility for PHP, MySQL, and WordPress. PHP 7.4+, MySQL

GraphQL Storefront API can now be used to power Stencil theme context

by BigCommerce
It is now possible to augment the data available in the theme context through the use of GraphQL queries described directly in the Front Matter of template files. Using this capability, you can fetch data a little bit more flexibly to build
Storefront API

API Update and Announcements for September 23, 2021

by BigCommerce
Developer Blog
API Determine the checkout that best suits your needs by reviewing the checkout options described in the new checkout customizability article. Email Templates Added Email Templates Code Examples to demonstrate how to update text, add a

BigCommerce for WordPress 4.17.1 for September 14, 2021

by BigCommerce
4.17.1 View release 4.17.1 on GitHub Fixed Fixes an issue with product imports/syncing where the process would fail (504) due to a timeout with upstream_response_time. The timeout value was increased to allow more time to complete the

BigCommerce for WordPress 4.17.0 for September 8, 2021

by BigCommerce
4.17.0 View release 4.17.0 on GitHub Changed PHPDoc for cart-footer.php template updated Fixed Fixed Product Import logic so script and style tag contents are not displayed in product description. Fixed Uncaught ReferenceError: ga is not

BigCommerce for WordPress 4.16.0 for August 12, 2021

by BigCommerce
4.16.0 View release 4.16.0 on GitHub Fixed Fixed styling of hidden product variant radio elements in Twenty Twenty One theme Fixed subtotal to exclude tax in cart details Fixed subtotal to exclude tax in order history details Fixed CLI

Developer Updates for August 5, 2021

by BigCommerce
Theme Updated the product attributes table in the front matter reference to include the maximum number of reviews available per page. If a product has over 250 reviews, you can fetch the rest using the GraphQL Storefront API. Storefronts
Developer Blog