API Updates for June 27, 2024

by BigCommerce
API We’re happy to announce the ability to apply multiple coupons on a cart using the Checkout V3 API. Batch metafields now include date_created and date_modified parameters. You can view this change for the following metafields: Brand
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API Updates for June 20, 2024

by BigCommerce
Themes We are happy to announce the newly released storefront selector feature in Stencil themes. Shoppers can now choose which storefront they want to browse when they visit your storefront. GraphQL The Storefront GraphQL API now
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API Updates for June 13, 2024

by BigCommerce
API We added the origin_channel_id to the list of read-only fields in the Customers V3 API. This field is set upon customer creation and cannot be updated afterward. The newly released Tax Settings API’s document_submission_strategy field
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API Updates and Announcements for May 30, 2024

by BigCommerce
API The Create an order shipment endpoint no longer supports UPSOnline as a shipper. The newly-released product review mutation is now available. Now, you can create product reviews through the built-in comment system using the GraphQL
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Cornerstone 6.14.0 for May 20, 2024

by BigCommerce
Cornerstone 6.14.0 account.php is inside of a list item. #2457 Screen reader only text must be provided. #2454 Remove “cookie notification” JS and CSS. #2447 Storefront navigation for switching between country-specific websites (step
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API Updates for May 9, 2024

by BigCommerce
API The REST Management API’s Update a checkout endpoint allows you to add a custom shipping method to the consignment ID. This feature allows you to create a manual order using this shipping method. Bug Fixes We corrected our
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