over 4 years ago
Metafields are now available on the Order resource
by BigCommerce
It is now possible to create metafields against the Orders resource, allowing you to store custom fields against Orders for later reference. To get started, access the documentation here: https://developer.bigcommerce.com/api-reference...over 4 years ago
Cornerstone 4.11.0 for October 15, 2020
by BigCommerce
Theme Now supports global regions for display of widgets across multiple storefront pages. #1859 Add Info and Add Coupon forms on Cart Page tabbable when hidden. #1820 Fixed outline styles for breadcrumbs on focus state. #1824 Fixed...over 4 years ago
OAuth Client ID is no longer required for requests to api.bigcommerce.com
by BigCommerce
As of October 9, 2020, it is no longer necessary to send the OAuth Client ID as the X-Auth-Client header with API requests you make to api.bigcommerce.com. Going forward, API connections are authenticated only with your OAuth Token...over 4 years ago
Catalog API Updates for October 8, 2020
by BigCommerce
API Category is no longer required to create a product in Catalog API. Developer Blog How to Add Custom Theme Styles to BigCommerce Page Builderover 4 years ago
TLS 1.2+ required for API connections beginning October 31, 2020
by BigCommerce
BigCommerce will be deprecating the use of Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.1 on October 31, 2020 and customers will be required to utilize TLS versions 1.2 or greater. Any access to services that currently rely on TLS 1.1 or older will...over 4 years ago
Page Builder and API Updates for September 9, 2020
by BigCommerce
Page Builder As of September 9, 2020, Page Builder is enabled on all Stencil stores by default. Page Builder documentation updated. API Passwordless Login updated to include more details and a customer email example. Listing...over 4 years ago
GraphQL Storefront API Complexity Scoring Adjusted
by BigCommerce
Based on feedback from our developer community, we've adjusted the weighting of our GraphQL Storefront API's complexity scoring in order to be more permissive. As a result, queries which may have previously been rejected on the basis of...over 4 years ago
GraphQL Storefront API - Bulk Pricing on Products and Variants
by BigCommerce
The GraphQL Storefront API now supports fetching the bulk pricing tiers on both products and variants. Consider this query: query bulkPricingTiers { site { products(first: 3) { edges { cursor node...almost 5 years ago
GraphQL Storefront API updates - Variant-level inventory!
by BigCommerce
New features You may now request inventory levels for each product variant. Note that inventory levels will NOT be returned if your store settings are set to not display stock levels on the storefront. Consider this query: query...