over 1 year ago
API Updates for August 17, 2023
by BigCommerce
Updated when to use Absolute Adjustment and Relative Adjustment endpoints for adjusting inventory.
Added fields to the InventorySettings type in the GraphQL Storefront API.
Updated expires_at description for the Create a Tokenover 1 year ago
API internal migration on August 7, 2023
by BigCommerce
We are implementing an internal migration for GET v3/catalog/categories and GET v3/catalog/categories/{category_id} endpoints to enhance our API’s performance. If you experience any unexpected API behavior on the following endpoint,over 1 year ago
API Updates for July 20, 2023
by BigCommerce
Added instructions for configuring wallet buttons for Cornerstone themes below version 6.7.
Additional consignment support for the Get an Order and Create an Order endpoints. Include query parameter offers support for bothover 1 year ago
Cornerstone 6.12.0 for July 10, 2023
by BigCommerce
Sync package lock file. #2373
The stored payment method name is not visible in Cornerstone Bold theme style. #2371
(sanitize product.description) in the theme results to ‘error length of description’ from Google indexingover 1 year ago
API Updates for June 29, 2023
by BigCommerce
Updated our v2/shipping/zone/:zoneId/methods API for the default_cost property.
Added inventory settings override for storefront channels to product inventory webhook.
Added the Site Content with the GraphQL Storefront API article.over 1 year ago
API Updates for June 15, 2023
by BigCommerce
Added webhooks for price list assignments.
Added limits for the coupon code length and coupon name. See Create a Coupon Code (Beta) and Create a New Coupon.
Added information on how to access items in the Stencil object. Seealmost 2 years ago
API Updates for June 8, 2023
by BigCommerce
Storefront GraphQL Carts & Checkout is now available. The API Reference is included in the GraphQL Storefront API Reference.
Added a GraphQL query example for listing brands by popularity.
Added additional WordPressalmost 2 years ago
API Updates for June 1, 2023
by BigCommerce
Updated maximum inventory levels in the Inventory and Catalog APIs
Added additional BigCommerce for WordPress Troubleshooting documentation.
Added limits to the banners object.
almost 2 years ago
API Updates and Announcement for May 18, 2023
by BigCommerce
BigCommerce is preparing to deprecate our current SASS compiler, node-sass fork, in favor of the more modern node-sass, which will allow us to support the latest versions of Node (Node 18) in Stencil CLI.
BigCommerce is