over 5 years ago
API Updates July 5, 2019
by BigCommerce
Announcements Client Secret Length As of July 2, 2019: Rollout of increasing the client secret from 32 characters to 64 characters was started. Any existing client secrets will work as normal Any new accounts created using the Big...over 5 years ago
API Updates June 28, 2019
by BigCommerce
V3 Customers API As of June 27th, 2019, the V3 Customers API is out of beta. Returns storecreditamounts if storecredit is added as an includes. acceptsproductreviewabandonedcart_emails was added. It determines if the is signed up to...over 5 years ago
API and Stencil Updates June 25, 2019
by BigCommerce
Announcement As of June 17th, Wishlist API is now out of beta. Maintenance API Fixed inaccuracies in Orders POST. Removed sub-resources that are read-only and marked required fields. Added discountrules type and pricelist_id to...over 5 years ago
API Updates June 12, 2019
by BigCommerce
Developer Blog Improve Web Font Performance in Stencil Themes with Font-display Let’s Talk About CORS Maintenance As of June 12th 2019: Remove the documentation related to the storecredit include on the beta V3 Customers API. This part...almost 6 years ago
Removing support for Node 6 in stencil-cli
by BigCommerce
Due to Node 6's End of Life, we've removed support for it in stencil-cli from version 1.16.0 and we'll be working on phasing it out of other Stencil-related projects. As of this writing, the only supported version of Node for use with...about 6 years ago
Optimized One Page Checkout Moving to React
by BigCommerce
In March 2019, BigCommerce will be making changes to Optimized One Page Checkout. To improve rendering and loading performance, we will be updating the underlying JavaScript framework from Angular to React. This update will lay the...about 6 years ago
Handling Customer Sign Out from Checkout
by BigCommerce
Note: This only applies if you have Persistent Cart enabled and are using a custom checkout built with the Checkout JS SDK. Persistent cart is now in the process of rolling out to BigCommerce stores. With this new feature, when a...about 6 years ago
API Updates January 18, 2019
by BigCommerce
Enhancement As of Jan 16th, 2019, you can include information about Product Options and Product Modifiers together in a Get All Products API Request. This will allow you to make fewer API calls to understand the full state of a product...about 6 years ago
Recent Cornerstone Breaking Changes
by BigCommerce
Due to a breaking change made in the release of Cornerstone 3.0, you can no longer load Cart resource on non-cart pages in the Cornerstone theme PR #1401. While the theme itself doesn't depend on this resource on non-cart pages, this...