API Updates & Announcements for November 11, 2021
by BigCommerce
API Localized Abandoned Cart Emails have moved into Open Beta. See Developer Documentation for more information. Added a new possible response code for API requests. Some V2 and V3 endpoints now return a`207` Multi-Status code when multipletimestamp1633530588225
Cornerstone 6.1.1 for October 6, 2021
by BigCommerce
Theme Fix product images on PDP with clipped outlines.#2124 Changed debounce wait time for search to 1200 ms from 200 ms.#2115 Additional checkout buttons don't work when applying a 100% discount coupon.#2109 Fix sliding carousel withtimestamp1632343696511
API Update and Announcements for September 23, 2021
by BigCommerce
Developer Blog
API Determine the checkout that best suits your needs by reviewing the checkout options described in the new checkout customizability article. Email Templates Added Email Templates Code Examples to demonstrate how to update text, add a
Cornerstone 6.1.0 for September 8, 2021
by BigCommerce
Theme Fixed images placeholder on hero carousel shifted on mobile when slide has content.#2112 Google AMP feature request - Add in release date info for preorder products.#2107 Translation for states select field on account signuptimestamp1628692392131
Cornerstone 6.0 for August 11, 2021
by BigCommerce
Theme Translation mechanism for config.json has been updated.#2089 As a shopper I want to see gift wrapping price in cart’s product list.#2093 Fixed wishlist dropdown shift on quick view modal.#2102 Empty email input in newsletter fieldtimestamp1628179063609
Developer Updates for August 5, 2021
by BigCommerce
Theme Updated the product attributes table in the front matter reference to include the maximum number of reviews available per page. If a product has over 250 reviews, you can fetch the rest using the GraphQL Storefront API. Storefrontstimestamp1626363969830
API and Theme Updates for July 15, 2021
by BigCommerce
Theme Added support for Localizing Variation Descriptions enabling you to customize the display language of your theme. API The Widgets API now supports Localizing Widget Template Settings. GraphQL API Reference documentation now includes atimestamp1626192971207
Cornerstone 5.7.1 for July 13, 2021
by BigCommerce
Theme Update language files for some locales.#2086timestamp1625147679168
Theme Updates for July 1, 2021
by BigCommerce
Theme Added ability to embed a GraphQL query in the front matter of a Stencil theme. See GraphQL attributes for examples and a complete list of available variables. Localization- Added ability to localize the control panel, system messages,