over 6 years agoCornerstone 2.2.0 Releaseby BigCommerceEnhancements Add alias for lazysizes module to bundle minified library. PR #1275 Fix duplicate input ID's in product review form. PR #1276 Bug Fixes Fix quantity edit on Simple Product AMP pages. PR #1257 Fix empty image on carousel...
over 6 years agoCornerstone 2.1.0 Releaseby BigCommerceThese release notes are intended for BigCommerce store owners using the Cornerstone theme on the Stencil framework. They cover: Enhancements Bug Fixes Using Cornerstone Enhancements Add Newsletter summary section to subscription form...
almost 7 years agoCart Updated Webhook and Storefront Cart API Updatesby BigCommerceUpdated webhook store/cart/updated. It will now fire when the email changes during a guest checkout. Fixed error where when clicking on delete or update a webhook it didn’t take you to the correct location. Added webhook store...
almost 7 years agoCustomer Password Validation and Swagger File Removedby BigCommerceNew endpoint for customer password validation added. Removed V3 Swagger file download.
almost 7 years agoStorefront Checkout Available Shipping Optionsby BigCommerceUpdated Storefront Checkout availableShippingOptions in all responses to have type.
almost 7 years agoStorefront Checkout Updatesby BigCommerceAdded "decimalPlaces": 0 to Storefront Checkout. Added "handlingCost":0 to Storefront Checkout. Added couponDiscounts and discounts to Storefront Checkout. Updated rate limits.
almost 7 years agoreCAPTCHA Deprecated and Count Added to Bannersby BigCommerceRemoved “On February 1, 2018 TLS 1.0 will be deprecated. As of June 30, 2016 all requests must support Server Name Indication (SNI).” from Basics home page. Added “On March 31, 2018 reCAPTCHA v1 will be deprecated.” Added count to...
almost 7 years agoUpdates to Storefront Checkout and Server to Server Cart APIby BigCommerceAdded amountToPay to Storefront Checkout API Exposed email: The same email used for billing address to Storefront Checkout, Storefront Cart and Server to Server Cart API. Removed shopper from Storefront Cart. ?include=customer is a...
about 7 years agoRemoved Storefront Post Checkout Orderby BigCommerceRemoved V3 API Storefront Post Checkout Order, which created an order. The endpoint is not ready at this time.