over 4 years agoAPI Updates for December 3, 2020by BigCommerceAPI Added new tutorials to Widgets API documentation: Global Regions Tutorial Widget Versioning Tutorial Developer Blog Next.js Conference 2020: Recapped BigCommerce Checkout is Now Open Source Analyzing BigCommerce Data with R How to...
over 4 years agoCornerstone 4.12.1 for November 12, 2020by BigCommerceTheme Write a Review modal cause TypeError. #1899 Account >Payment Methods throws server error when using Cornerstone theme #1898 Price in the cart is not updated when changing currency on mobile. #1893
over 4 years agoCornerstone 4.12.0 for November 5, 2020by BigCommerceTheme Reduce lodash usage in compare-products.js and image-gallery.js. #1827 Fixed product image carousel when it becomes unresponsive on Product page. #1879 Move phrases and static strings to en.json for improving translation...
over 4 years agoCornerstone 4.11.0 for October 15, 2020by BigCommerceTheme Now supports global regions for display of widgets across multiple storefront pages. #1859 Add Info and Add Coupon forms on Cart Page tabbable when hidden. #1820 Fixed outline styles for breadcrumbs on focus state. #1824 Fixed...
over 4 years agoCatalog API Updates for October 8, 2020by BigCommerceAPI Category is no longer required to create a product in Catalog API. Developer Blog How to Add Custom Theme Styles to BigCommerce Page Builder
over 4 years agoCornerstone 4.10.0 for October 1, 2020by BigCommerceTheme Return heading to product card. #1848 Quick search query param needs to be fixed while navigating to search page. #1832 Create unified focus styling in Cornerstone. #1812 Review link in quick modal focused twice. #1797 Fixed...
over 4 years agoPage Builder and API Updates for September 9, 2020by BigCommercePage Builder As of September 9, 2020, Page Builder is enabled on all Stencil stores by default. Page Builder documentation updated. API Passwordless Login updated to include more details and a customer email example. Listing...
over 4 years agoCornerstone 4.9.0by BigCommerceAdded correct alt text on image change in product view. #1747 Description tab is hidden in case of empty product description. #1746 Stencil CLI updated to the latest version. #1744 Added immediate keyboard focus for quick view modal...
over 4 years agoCornerstone 4.8.0by BigCommerceFixed Facebook button during modal scrolling behaviour. #1724 Fixed Product Image dimensions not constrained proportionally on Cart page which can lead to element overlapping. #1722 Added byte type on file upload options when max file...