over 3 years ago
Blueprint Theme Update for June 17, 2021
by BigCommerce
Blueprint Themes Removed Internet Explorer 11 or later from the list of Supported Browsers for the BigCommerce control panel. Developer Blog Headless Commerce Summit 2021 Recapped Now in Open Beta: Product Sort Order API on BigCommercealmost 4 years ago
Theme Update and Announcement for May 27, 2021
by BigCommerce
Theme Added new accessibility articles discussing how Cornerstone meets WCAG Compliance Levels. View examples to learn how Cornerstone implements WCAG guidelines. Developer Blog Alexa, Where will E-commerce Be in 2022? How to Customize thealmost 4 years ago
UPC, MPN, and GTIN now available in Storefront GraphQL API
by BigCommerce
The UPC, MPN, and GTIN fields are now available on both product and variant nodes in the GraphQL Storefront APIalmost 4 years ago
API Announcement for March 4, 2021
by BigCommerce
On April 30, 2021, the Coupon API will limit the characters allowed in a coupon name. An error will result if any special characters other than the following are used in the Coupon code field: Alphanumeric values White spaces Underscores (almost 4 years ago
Storefront Data Hooks & Theme Updates for March 4, 2021
by BigCommerce
Storefront Hooks 1.0.1 Initial public release in support of https://nextjs.org/commerce 1.1.0 Fix useUpdateItem Fix typo in storefront-data-hooks repo Add missing types to the Cart body Resolves#22 Login SSO Accept options in the useLoginabout 4 years ago
API Updates for December 17, 2020
by BigCommerce
API Widgets API now supports GraphQL queries on widgets. Added Create Widgets Powered by GraphQL tutorial to Widgets API documentation. Added storefrontapiquery property to Widget Template.over 4 years ago
The qty_in_cart property is removed from the Stencil Common Product Card object
by BigCommerce
As part of an effort to improve the performance of BigCommerce storefronts, the qtyincart property is no longer supported on the Stencil Common Product Card Model. This property will return 0 from now on, and its use is discouraged. The...over 4 years ago
Inventory levels are no longer returned in Stencil context based on settings
by BigCommerce
Inventory Levels will no longer be returned in the Stencil context data if your store's Inventory settings are set to "Don't show Stock Levels". Previously, this setting would only hide the stock levels on individual product pages...over 4 years ago
TLS 1.2+ required for API connections beginning October 31, 2020
by BigCommerce
BigCommerce will be deprecating the use of Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.1 on October 31, 2020 and customers will be required to utilize TLS versions 1.2 or greater. Any access to services that currently rely on TLS 1.1 or older will...