almost 5 years agoAPI and Theme Updates, April 16, 2020by BigCommerceAPI Updated Payments API sample app diagram Adyen removed from list of providers compatible with Payments API BigCommerce for Wordpress New article Multi-Channel Capabilities with Wordpress Theme %%GLOBALTrackingLink_List%% variable...
almost 5 years agoAPI Updates for April 10, 2020by BigCommerceAPI Section added to Developer Documentation to include deprecations and sunsets Dev Blog Tips for Optimizing Your Workflow [Order Refund API: Automate Refunds in BigCommerce ](
almost 5 years agoAPI and Theme Updates for April 2, 2020by BigCommerceAPI GraphQL API documentation expanded to include more information on making Customer Impersonation Token authenticated requests and querying the API from an external system store/shipment/created Webhook now sends orderID as an integer...
almost 5 years agoCornerstone 4.4.2by BigCommerceEnhancements and Bug Fixes Remove "cookie notification" feature as it is no longer useful #1636 Fix the html special chars issue in facet names (titles) #1637 Fix category header image size #1640 Fix navigation issues in Search Results...
almost 5 years agoStencil-CLI 2.0.0 Releaseby BigCommerceThe local Theme Editor has been removed, as it is no longer representative of the production experience. To test theme settings, we recommend pushing your theme up to a store and using the real editor. Add-to-cart issues when developing...
about 5 years agoAPI and Theme Updates for March 20, 2020by BigCommerceAPI Royal Mail is no longer a supported carrier for creating Order Shipments Tax Classes API now returns the default tax class Theme Theme Editor was deprecated in Stencil CLI versions 1.23.1 and later Developer Blog How to Write...
about 5 years agoCornerstone 4.5.0by BigCommerceEnhancements and Bug Fixes Fixed the check for max length in create account form fields #1647 Add region to page.html #1639
about 5 years agoAPI and Theme Updates for March 13, 2020by BigCommerceAPI Clarified an App Client ID is required in requests to Get Current Customer Added more information about updating default currency Updated Webhooks documentation to clarify behavior Developer Blog BigCommerce Developer Blog to...
about 5 years agoAPI and Theme Updates for February 28, 2020by BigCommerceTheme Added pull command to Stencil CLI New method for editing BigCommerce email templates via WebDav Developer Blog Design For Developers: The Principles of Visual Design Why Rewind Said Hello to AWS Session Manager and Goodbye to SSH