almost 5 years agoCornerstone 4.5.4by BigCommerceEnhancements and Bug Fixes Added SchemaTranslations.json for Cornerstone #1644 Bump lazysizes to 5.2.0 #1646 Facets with & symbol work now #1654 Added Handlebars class/style variables for account fields #1655 Fixed logo in admin bar...
almost 5 years agoGraphQL Storefront API updates - Product inventoryby BigCommerceNew Features A new inventory node has been exposed on products which allows you to fetch the aggregate product inventory. For a simple product, this will be the inventory value. For a product with multiple variants and variant-level...
almost 5 years agoGraphQL Storefront API Updates - May 5thby BigCommerceNew Features You may now request the product description as plain text (with HTML tags stripped) using the new plainTextDescription field. To encourage not over-fetching, and to support cases where you want to show only a small preview...
almost 5 years agoGraphQL Storefront API Updates - Product Warrantyby BigCommerceEnhancements You may now request the warranty field on the Product node. As the product warranty may be quite large, requesting it will raise the complexity score of your query slightly higher than other fields.
almost 5 years agoGraphQL Storefront API Updates - April 3, 2020by BigCommerceBugs Fixed An issue where product description and relatedProducts would sometimes return null when the product was looked up via a route has been fixed. New Features The GraphQL Storefront API now supports running requests in the...
almost 5 years agoCornerstone 4.4.2by BigCommerceEnhancements and Bug Fixes Remove "cookie notification" feature as it is no longer useful #1636 Fix the html special chars issue in facet names (titles) #1637 Fix category header image size #1640 Fix navigation issues in Search Results...
almost 5 years agoCornerstone 4.5.0by BigCommerceEnhancements and Bug Fixes Fixed the check for max length in create account form fields #1647 Add region to page.html #1639
about 5 years agoCornerstone 4.4.1 by BigCommerceEnhancements and Bug Fixes Prevent triggering quantity change when pressing enter #1630 Replace Karma with Jest #1627 Fix price filter to honor control panel settings #1633
about 5 years agoCornerstone 4.4.0 Releaseby BigCommerceEnhancements and Bug Fixes Add translation key for "read more" blog post link #1625 Update My Account Payment Methods template to expose all new savable payment methods #1603 Proper address formatting without any additional commas in My...