over 6 years agoCornerstone 2.3.1 Releaseby BigCommerceEnhancements Display product reviews in tabbed content region of product page. PR #1302 Show bulk discounts only if enabled through store settings. PR #1310 Style active section in search results. PR #1316 New products left align. PR...
over 6 years agoUpdates to Cart API, Catalog API and Custom Layout Filesby BigCommerceIn V3 Cart API you can now create a Cart and change a line item to have a 0$ price. In V3 Catalog, value_data returns null when empty, instead of an empty array. A custom layout file can now be assigned to categories. Previously, when...
over 6 years agoCustom Sass Functions Updated by BigCommerceThe stencilImage function is now documented in the Custom Sass Functions Article, providing an explanation of the function's expected input and output.
over 6 years agoCornerstone 2.2.1 Releaseby BigCommerceEnhancements Disable zoom and link for default "No Image" image. PR #1291 Bug Fixes Fix wishlist dropdown background color bleeding out of container PR #1283 Fix indefinite load spinner for products without an image in order history...
over 6 years agoBlueprint Information filtered into Legacy Articleby BigCommerceContent related to Switching between Blueprint and Stencil Themes is now in a Legacy article, but the content is referenced and is still accessible from the Switching Themes with Custom Templates article.
over 6 years agoUpdated Landing Page and Nav Barby BigCommercePreviously, stencil.bigcommerce.com routed you to a landing page, where you then clicked to get to the Stencil documentation. To create a more seamless experience, stencil.bigcommerce.com now routes you directly to the documentation...
over 6 years agoCornerstone 2.2.0 Releaseby BigCommerceEnhancements Add alias for lazysizes module to bundle minified library. PR #1275 Fix duplicate input ID's in product review form. PR #1276 Bug Fixes Fix quantity edit on Simple Product AMP pages. PR #1257 Fix empty image on carousel...
over 6 years agoCornerstone 2.1.0 Releaseby BigCommerceThese release notes are intended for BigCommerce store owners using the Cornerstone theme on the Stencil framework. They cover: Enhancements Bug Fixes Using Cornerstone Enhancements Add Newsletter summary section to subscription form...
almost 7 years agoUpdated Scripts API Descriptionby BigCommerceThe Scripts API was updated to clarify the placement visibility. Fixed Link to Subscribers API in V2 documentation.