over 4 years ago
Required stencil-cli version is now 2.0.0
by BigCommerce
As of August 11, 2020, the required stencil-CLI version for local development is now 2.0.0. To update to the latest version of stencil-cli, simply run npm install -g @bigcommerce/stencil-cli. We recommend using the latest Node 10.x...over 4 years ago
Per-Device Image Resizing based on user agent has been disabled; use srcset
by BigCommerce
As of August 11, 2020, the BigCommerce CDN will no longer downscale the resolution of images when it detects that an end user is shopping from a mobile device with a small screen. In order to make sure that file size & quality is...over 4 years ago
Cornerstone 4.9.0
by BigCommerce
Added correct alt text on image change in product view. #1747 Description tab is hidden in case of empty product description. #1746 Stencil CLI updated to the latest version. #1744 Added immediate keyboard focus for quick view modal...over 4 years ago
Cornerstone 4.8.0
by BigCommerce
Fixed Facebook button during modal scrolling behaviour. #1724 Fixed Product Image dimensions not constrained proportionally on Cart page which can lead to element overlapping. #1722 Added byte type on file upload options when max file...over 4 years ago
Control Panel URL change now live
by BigCommerce
The URL used in all store Control Panels will now reflect the store's Permanent Address (i.e. store-abc123.mybigcommerce.com). Previously, if a store had an SSL certificate installed, the store URL (i.e. my-store.com) and the Control...over 4 years ago
Cart Suggestions removed from Stencil context Cart model
by BigCommerce
As of June 16, the ability to request a list of suggested products relevant to the user's current shopping cart has been removed. If this information is requested using Front Matter or a stencil-utils call, it will not be returned. This...almost 5 years ago
API and Theme Updates for May 28, 2020
by BigCommerce
API Section on logging in a customer with GraphQL API added Example added to GraphQL API documentation for getting a swatch option value Limit for Storefront widgets increased Customer Login API tutorial updated Developer Blog...almost 5 years ago
API Updates for May 15, 2020
by BigCommerce
API Updated Orders API documentation to reflect that the shippingprovider field is not_ required when creating order shipments. Developer Blog Announcing the BigCommerce Dev Library Using BigCommerce Storefront APIs to Create Custom...almost 5 years ago
API & Theme Updates for May 7, 2020
by BigCommerce
API New Themes configuration endpoints now available Clarified documentation to note store/cart/abandoned will fire whether or not a store has the Abandoned Cart Saver feature enabled. GET Customers V3 endpoint includes new sort...