timestamp1741883606725GraphQL Best Practicesby BigCommerceGraphQL API Update New Article: Best Practices for Using GraphQL APIs - Introduced a new guide to help merchants optimize store stability and performance when working with GraphQL APIs. Catalyst Update Language selection in CLI - The
timestamp1741294527533PCI 4.0 Compliance Requirementsby BigCommerceCheckout Updates New developer guide - Added a developer guide to assist in setting up PCI DSS 4.0 Section 6.4.3-compliant features for configuring open checkout, including step-by-step instructions and troubleshooting tips. Webhook
timestamp1740678509306Persisting analytics session IDsby BigCommerceGraphQL Storefront Updates Analytics session IDs - The GraphQL API now supports including a visitor ID when creating a session sync JWT using the generateSessionSyncJwt mutation. See the Persisting analytics session IDs section for
timestamp1740073407800API Updates for February 20, 2025by BigCommerceCatalyst Update Multi-language Setup guide - Clarified how to modify product URLs and specified the languages available for default translations. Unified Billing Update Testing Unified Billing with your app - Revised this section to
timestamp1739897170781Cornerstone 6.16.1 for February 18, 2025by BigCommerceEnhancements & Fixes Event handling: Updated the cart and payment account page to replace inline event handlers with event listeners. #2536 Multiple date field support: Enhanced Cornerstone to support multiple date fields while removing