almost 4 years ago
Cornerstone 5.5.0 for May 25, 2021
by BigCommerce
Theme Scale focus trap for all modals.#2049 Fixed displaying swatch name for multiple swatch options on page.#2040 Added settings for payment banners.#2021 Use https:// for schema markup.#2039 Update focus tooltip styles contrast to achievealmost 4 years ago
Cornerstone 5.4.0 for April 28, 2021
by BigCommerce
Theme Incorrect focus order for product carousels.#2034 Removed duplicates of main tag.#2032 Hamburger menu icon missing on Google AMP pages.#2022 Wish List drop down is truncated on product page.#2001 Improve performance of analyzingalmost 4 years ago
Cornerstone 5.3.0 for April 8, 2021
by BigCommerce
Theme Remove AddThis for social sharing, replace with provider sharing links.#1997 IE11 - Clicking on search does not display search bar.#2017 Alt text should include product name for ratings.#2015 Changed insufficient "Change" link text onalmost 4 years ago
API Announcement for April 1, 2021
by BigCommerce
API Added business-to-business functionality to the BigCommerce platform with the B2B Edition of BigCommerce Developer Blog My Experience at DeveloperWeek 2021 Introducing BigCommerce Transactional Email Templates MACHathon 2021: Buildingabout 4 years ago
API Announcement for March 4, 2021
by BigCommerce
On April 30, 2021, the Coupon API will limit the characters allowed in a coupon name. An error will result if any special characters other than the following are used in the Coupon code field: Alphanumeric values White spaces Underscores (about 4 years ago
Storefront Data Hooks & Theme Updates for March 4, 2021
by BigCommerce
Storefront Hooks 1.0.1 Initial public release in support of 1.1.0 Fix useUpdateItem Fix typo in storefront-data-hooks repo Add missing types to the Cart body Resolves#22 Login SSO Accept options in the useLoginabout 4 years ago
Cornerstone 5.2.0 for March 1, 2021
by BigCommerce
Theme Fixed cut off on Cart button when zooming up to 400%.#1988 Category pages are creating alt attribute within the span tag.#1987 Add alt attribute for no image placeholders.#1984 For non-required options, when the "None" option displaysabout 4 years ago
Stencil Update for January 28, 2021
by BigCommerce
Stencil Stencil CLI version 3.1 has split the .stencil file into secrets.stencil.json and config.stencil.json files. This change is backward compatible. .stencil will continue to exist on old themes and CLI versions. Developer Blog...about 4 years ago
Cornerstone 5.1.0 for January 26, 2021
by BigCommerce
Theme Updated Cornerstone theme and respected variants to meet the verticals/industries documented in BCTHEME-387. Fixed selecting certain option types which pushes window view to the bottom of the page. #1959 Fixed case when default...