over 6 years agoCornerstone 2.5.2 Releaseby BigCommerceEnhancements Bug Fixes Fixes issue with Slick slider for mobile safari in iframe #1371 Product review modal error message is now accurate. #1370 Using Cornerstone Are you a merchant using our Cornerstone theme? Please see the...
over 6 years agoCornerstone 2.5.1 Release by BigCommerceEnhancements Copy changes for Payment Buttons section. PR #1365 Add option to disable arrows on the homepage carousel PR #1293 Bug Fixes Fix spacing with SweetAlert cancel button on mobile PR #1363 Fix broken breadcrumb schema markup...
over 6 years agoCornerstone 2.5.0 Releaseby BigCommerceEnhancements Blueprint for Mapping Custom Templates to JavaScript Modules PR #1346 Cornerstone schema updates and organization PR #1350 Add div and id attributes so that contact form steps can be tracked PR #1317 Added "activePage...
over 6 years agoCornerstone 2.4.0 Releaseby BigCommerceEnhancements Require Webpack config only when used. (reduce time to be ready for receiving messages from stencil-cli). PR #1334 Add link to order status in account menu when viewing order. PR #1343 Update cart when quantity changed...
over 6 years agoCornerstone 2.3.2 Releaseby BigCommerceEnhancements Undo New Products left align from 2.3.0. PR #1328 Bug Fixes Fix zoom behavior for small images in gallery (turn off zoom if image is too small). PR #1325 Fix invoice store logo. PR #1326 Using Cornerstone Are you a...
over 6 years agoCornerstone 2.3.1 Releaseby BigCommerceEnhancements Display product reviews in tabbed content region of product page. PR #1302 Show bulk discounts only if enabled through store settings. PR #1310 Style active section in search results. PR #1316 New products left align. PR...
over 6 years agoUpdates to Cart API, Catalog API and Custom Layout Filesby BigCommerceIn V3 Cart API you can now create a Cart and change a line item to have a 0$ price. In V3 Catalog, value_data returns null when empty, instead of an empty array. A custom layout file can now be assigned to categories. Previously, when...
over 6 years agoLegacy OAuth Removedby BigCommerceAs of July 31, 2018 legacy auth has been removed for new BigCommerce stores. Existing legacy integrations will continue to work, we recommend upgrading as soon as possible.
over 6 years agoLegacy API Accounts Deprecationby BigCommerceAs of July 31, 2018, new BigCommerce stores are no longer able to create Legacy API Accounts (accounts using HTTP Basic Auth) within their control panels. Existing Legacy API Accounts will continue to work until further notice, but we...