Dev Center Updates

API Updates for February 1, 2024

by BigCommerce
Bug Fixes Added missing category_id in the sample response for the POST /catalog/trees/categories endpoint. Thank you, Aten Software, for your feedback. Updated the menu paths for integrating with Disqus for MSF and non-MSF storefronts.
Bug Fix

API Updates for January 18, 2024

by BigCommerce
Announcement Hi Devs! We added a submitContactUs mutation to our GraphQL Storefront API, enabling a frontend customer feedback experience. This feature relies on reCaptcha for security and requires the customer to supply, at minimum, an
Bug Fix

API Updates for December 21, 2023

by BigCommerce
API The Webhooks Overview article now provides best practices for working with webhook responses. Use these response requirements to ensure the webhook delivery is successful.  Excited to announce that authorized users can now create API
Bug Fix

API Updates for December 14, 2023

by BigCommerce
API Happy to announce rate limits are now available for the Create a Customer Address endpoint. The Carts and Checkout Storefront APIs now allow adding, updating, and deleting gift wrapping to lineItems similar to the REST Management
Bug Fix

API Updates for September 28, 2023

by BigCommerce
API General availability for GraphQL Storefront API. Added redirects V3 import-export functionality.

API Updates and Announcements for September 21, 2023

by BigCommerce
API Added Universal Analytics to the list of deprecations. Updated the Request shipping rates response body documentation to clarify that the discounted_cost field is optional. Stored Payment Instruments is now open beta. The Update

API Updates for August 17, 2023

by BigCommerce
API Updated when to use Absolute Adjustment and Relative Adjustment endpoints for adjusting inventory. Added fields to the InventorySettings type in the GraphQL Storefront API. Updated expires_at description for the Create a Token

API Updates for June 29, 2023

by BigCommerce
API Updated our v2/shipping/zone/:zoneId/methods API for the default_cost property. Added inventory settings override for storefront channels to product inventory webhook. Added the Site Content with the GraphQL Storefront API article.

API Updates for June 15, 2023

by BigCommerce
API Added webhooks for price list assignments. Added limits for the coupon code length and coupon name. See Create a Coupon Code (Beta) and Create a New Coupon. Stencil Added information on how to access items in the Stencil object. See
Developer Blog