Dev Center Updates

Storefront Checkout Updates

by BigCommerce
Added "decimalPlaces": 0 to Storefront Checkout. Added "handlingCost":0 to Storefront Checkout. Added couponDiscounts and discounts to Storefront Checkout. Updated rate limits.

reCAPTCHA Deprecated and Count Added to Banners

by BigCommerce
Removed “On February 1, 2018 TLS 1.0 will be deprecated. As of June 30, 2016 all requests must support Server Name Indication (SNI).” from Basics home page. Added “On March 31, 2018 reCAPTCHA v1 will be deprecated.” Added count to...

Updates to Storefront Checkout and Server to Server Cart API

by BigCommerce
Added amountToPay to Storefront Checkout API Exposed email: The same email used for billing address to Storefront Checkout, Storefront Cart and Server to Server Cart API. Removed shopper from Storefront Cart. ?include=customer is a...

Storefront Checkout API Available

by BigCommerce
Added Postman Button for Storefront Cart API. Updated responses for Cart API to most recent updates. Fixed issue with cart webhooks where list repeated on page. Storefront Checkout API also available. Order and store webhooks are also...
Bug Fix

Cart Webhooks Now Available

by BigCommerce
Cart webhooks are now live. Webhooks allow developers to build apps that receive information in almost real time. Minor updates including spelling and grammar fixes. Updated TLS to read 2018 instead of 2017. Added text to explain...

Configurable Fields are no longer available

by BigCommerce
Configurable fields are no longer available as of 12/20/2017. Any store new stores or stores that did not have them enabled will no longer have them. Updated Product Options resource link to stop 404 page errors.
Bug Fix