API Updates and Announcement for April 25, 2024

by BigCommerce
API We’re happy to announce Promotions API is Generally Available (GA). The GraphQL Storefront API now supports cart metafields. Added a Localization document that describes how to localize a Catalyst storefront. Webhooks The
Developer Blog

API Updates for April 11, 2024

by BigCommerce
Bug Fixes Updated the Webhooks Tutorial to change ngrok installation instructions. We’ve updated the cost_price field description to include how this field displays in the UI. See this field in the Create a Product Variant endpoint. Thank
Bug Fix

API Updates for April 4, 2024

by BigCommerce
API Merchants can now select which regions they want to use an automatic tax provider. To learn more about the new merchant flow, see configuring tax providers in the Tax Provider API doc. Stencil Updated stencil category
Bug Fix

API Updates for March 28, 2024

by BigCommerce
API Added an End-to-end Guide for Headless checkout flow with the GraphQL Storefront API to describe how to work with shopper interactions on headless storefronts. The Management Checkout API now supports item-level and cart-level
Bug Fix

API Updates for March 21, 2024

by BigCommerce
Bug Fixes Added missing fields (is_active and updated_at) to Get all themes and Get a theme endpoints. Added the missing consents array to the Subscribers API endpoints.
Bug Fix

API Updates for March 14, 2024

by BigCommerce
API The newly released price list and price list records webhooks are now available. Now, you can add events and use batch price lists and price list record events where appropriate. Added BigCommerce terms of service and privacy policy
Bug Fix

API Updates for March 7, 2024

by BigCommerce
Bug Fixes Updated the discount_amount definition in Checkout Coupons endpoints. Corrected the shipping consignment example in the Add Consignment to Checkout endpoint. Corrected the type for external_order_id query parameter in the Get
Bug Fix
Developer Blog

API Updates for February 29, 2024

by BigCommerce
API Added the MPN filter attribute to Catalog Products endpoints. Thank you, Andrew Barber, at Space 48, for submitting Issue 126. Added recommendations for cursor-based pagination when iterating over a large number of coupons. The Big
Bug Fix

API Updates for February 22, 2024

by BigCommerce
API Added the date_last_imported field to the product model. The field format is a nullable datetime string (e.g., “2024-01-24T14:36:56+00:00”). The field is modifiable and filterable. We’re happy to announce that you can add a set of
Bug Fix