almost 5 years ago
GraphQL Storefront API - Bulk Pricing on Products and Variants
by BigCommerce
The GraphQL Storefront API now supports fetching the bulk pricing tiers on both products and variants. Consider this query: query bulkPricingTiers { site { products(first: 3) { edges { cursor node...almost 5 years ago
Cart Suggestions removed from Stencil context Cart model
by BigCommerce
As of June 16, the ability to request a list of suggested products relevant to the user's current shopping cart has been removed. If this information is requested using Front Matter or a stencil-utils call, it will not be returned. This...almost 5 years ago
Cornerstone 4.6.1
by BigCommerce
Enhancements and Bug Fixes Product option special characters are not rendered on invoice, order contents and returns #1681 Bump lazysizes to 5.2.1 #1682 Add rel="noopener" to social links #1678 Display Klarna logo in payment icons #1680...almost 5 years ago
GraphQL Storefront API updates - Variant-level inventory!
by BigCommerce
New features You may now request inventory levels for each product variant. Note that inventory levels will NOT be returned if your store settings are set to not display stock levels on the storefront. Consider this query: query...almost 5 years ago
API and Theme Updates for May 28, 2020
by BigCommerce
API Section on logging in a customer with GraphQL API added Example added to GraphQL API documentation for getting a swatch option value Limit for Storefront widgets increased Customer Login API tutorial updated Developer Blog...almost 5 years ago
GraphQL Storefront API updates - Metafields on Product, Category, Brand, Variant
by BigCommerce
New features Metafields which have been associated with products, categories, brands, or variants can now be accessed via the GraphQL Storefront API. The metafield must be marked with a permissionset of readandsfaccess or writeandsf...almost 5 years ago
Cornerstone 4.5.4
by BigCommerce
Enhancements and Bug Fixes Added SchemaTranslations.json for Cornerstone #1644 Bump lazysizes to 5.2.0 #1646 Facets with & symbol work now #1654 Added Handlebars class/style variables for account fields #1655 Fixed logo in admin bar...almost 5 years ago
API Updates for May 15, 2020
by BigCommerce
API Updated Orders API documentation to reflect that the shippingprovider field is not_ required when creating order shipments. Developer Blog Announcing the BigCommerce Dev Library Using BigCommerce Storefront APIs to Create Custom...almost 5 years ago
GraphQL Storefront API updates - Product inventory
by BigCommerce
New Features A new inventory node has been exposed on products which allows you to fetch the aggregate product inventory. For a simple product, this will be the inventory value. For a product with multiple variants and variant-level...