about 4 years agoAPI Updates for December 10, 2020by BigCommerceAPI Added Bolt payment gateway to stored cards list Developer Blog BigCommerce Employee Spotlight: Rachel Thompson
over 4 years agoAPI Updates for December 3, 2020by BigCommerceAPI Added new tutorials to Widgets API documentation: Global Regions Tutorial Widget Versioning Tutorial Developer Blog Next.js Conference 2020: Recapped BigCommerce Checkout is Now Open Source Analyzing BigCommerce Data with R How to...
over 4 years agoBigCommerce for WordPress 4.5.1 for December 2, 2020by BigCommerce4.5.1 Fixed Fixed product category slug changes when re-importing a term that overlaps with a term with a different parent.
over 4 years agoBigCommerce for WordPress 4.5.0 for November 24, 2020by BigCommerce4.5.0 Added Added shipping estimation calculator to the cart page as well as the option to enable/disable this feature in the WordPress Customizer. Changed Changed how Quick View triggers detect their corresponding modal container. This...
over 4 years agoCornerstone 4.12.1 for November 12, 2020by BigCommerceTheme Write a Review modal cause TypeError. #1899 Account >Payment Methods throws server error when using Cornerstone theme #1898 Price in the cart is not updated when changing currency on mobile. #1893
over 4 years agoCornerstone 4.12.0 for November 5, 2020by BigCommerceTheme Reduce lodash usage in compare-products.js and image-gallery.js. #1827 Fixed product image carousel when it becomes unresponsive on Product page. #1879 Move phrases and static strings to en.json for improving translation...
over 4 years agoCornerstone 4.11.0 for October 15, 2020by BigCommerceTheme Now supports global regions for display of widgets across multiple storefront pages. #1859 Add Info and Add Coupon forms on Cart Page tabbable when hidden. #1820 Fixed outline styles for breadcrumbs on focus state. #1824 Fixed...
over 4 years agoCatalog API Updates for October 8, 2020by BigCommerceAPI Category is no longer required to create a product in Catalog API. Developer Blog How to Add Custom Theme Styles to BigCommerce Page Builder
over 4 years agoCornerstone 4.10.0 for October 1, 2020by BigCommerceTheme Return heading to product card. #1848 Quick search query param needs to be fixed while navigating to search page. #1832 Create unified focus styling in Cornerstone. #1812 Review link in quick modal focused twice. #1797 Fixed...