4 months agoAPI Updates for November 7, 2024by BigCommerceAPI We’re happy to announce that you can create shipping methods specific to a storefront channel to help you localize your storefront when selling internationally and across customer segments. We’ve added a fee item type to Refund
4 months agoAPI Updates for October 31, 2024by BigCommerceAPI Added an optional token field in the storefront Create a Customer request body. Added an order_pickup_method_id field to the Get All Order Taxes endpoint. Enhancements A phone:in query parameter was added to the Get All Customers
5 months agoCornerstone 6.15.0 for October 21, 2024by BigCommerceCornerstone 6.15.0 Adding mobile nav dropdown focusTrap. #2465 Remove remote_api_scripts to avoid double firing Meta Pixel analytics. #2467 Prevent flow outside page container on account pages. #2462 Account.js - Fixed jQuery selector
5 months agoAPI Updates for October 10, 2024by BigCommerceAPI The Upsert Customer Form Field Values endpoint is now deprecated. Use Update a Customer Address and Update Customers endpoints instead. Developer Blog Script Authorization on Payment Pages: Understanding PCI 4.0 Section 6.4.3 and How
6 months agoAPI Updates for September 26, 2024by BigCommerceAPI We’re happy to announce the newly released Promotion Settings API. The V2 Orders API endpoints now include the is_tax_inclusive_pricing field in the response. Catalyst Added a document about the Catalyst API Client. Learn how to
6 months agoAPI Updates for September 5, 2024by BigCommerceAPI The Store Information API now includes the infrastructure_region of the store so you can determine the hosted store’s geographical location. This location is helpful when deploying supporting infrastructure for the store so you can
8 months agoAPI Updates for July 25, 2024by BigCommerceAPI Storefront GraphQL Order capabilities are now available to the public. You can now perform queries that fetch a customer's order history and a specific customer order and access order details. See a list of examples in GraphQL
10 months agoCornerstone 6.14.0 for May 20, 2024by BigCommerceCornerstone 6.14.0 account.php is inside of a list item. #2457 Screen reader only text must be provided. #2454 Remove “cookie notification” JS and CSS. #2447 Storefront navigation for switching between country-specific websites (step
10 months agoAPI Updates for May 9, 2024by BigCommerceAPI The REST Management API’s Update a checkout endpoint allows you to add a custom shipping method to the consignment ID. This feature allows you to create a manual order using this shipping method. Bug Fixes We corrected our