over 5 years ago
API and Theme updates for Dec 6, 2019
by BigCommerce
Developer Survey BigCommerce is seeking feedback from its external devs. Give us your feedback! API Added example request body for Storefront Token API POST Added id to Category API filter params Developer Blog Blazing Speed Without...over 5 years ago
API and Theme Updates for November 15, 2019
by BigCommerce
Contribute to BigCommerce Dev Docs We're excited to announce BigCommerce is accepting contributions to our developer documentation. Want to get involved? Learn more. API Storefront API tokens support JWT Updated the ShippingZoneMethod...over 5 years ago
GraphQL Storefront API now supports variant prices and customer login
by BigCommerce
Variant Prices Using the GraphQL Storefront API, you can now request the prices of variants in addition to products. Consider the query below: query { site { products(first: 3) { edges { node { prices...over 5 years ago
GraphQL Storefront API now supports narrowing variants by option values
by BigCommerce
Using the Storefront API, you can now narrow the collection of variants on a product based on a set of option values. This is similar to how you can refine the product node response based on option values. For example, if a shopper...over 5 years ago
GraphQL Storefront API now supports more variant properties and related products
by BigCommerce
The GraphQL Storefront API now supports most of the properties on variants. You can now get the manually-set related products of a given product with the Storefront API Consider this query which demonstrates the new capabilities: query...over 5 years ago
Storefront API now in Open Beta!
by BigCommerce
Our GraphQL Storefront API is now in Open Beta and available for use on any store using Stencil. The GraphQL Storefront API enables you to freely query storefront data on top of the BigCommerce Stencil theming framework. This means that...over 5 years ago
API and Themes Updates September 27, 2019
by BigCommerce
Embedded Checkout An overview and tutorial for using Embedded Checkout are now available Channels, Sites and Routes Channels, Sites and Routes API Reference is now available API Based on feedback from the beta program, access to the...over 5 years ago
API and Themes Updates September 20, 2019
by BigCommerce
Webhooks Functionality Update Blacklisting logic has been updated to improve webhook reliability. Domains will now be blacklisted based on a minimum threshold and percentage success rate within a sliding scale time window. Read more...over 5 years ago
API and Themes Updates August 26, 2019
by BigCommerce
API attributes object has been added under rate request item for Shipping Provider API to pass custom metafields to shipping providers Updated Webhooks documentation to include our process for blacklisting destination URIs Theme...