1742838519890 Next.js 15.2.3 - Security Update, Upgrade recommended for Catalyst storefrontsby BigCommerceNext.js has released version 15.2.3 to address a security vulnerability. Due to this CVE in previous versions, we recommend that developers upgrade to the latest version based on the guidance in Next.js’s official blog post here. As
1741883606725 GraphQL Best Practicesby BigCommerceGraphQL API Update New Article: Best Practices for Using GraphQL APIs - Introduced a new guide to help merchants optimize store stability and performance when working with GraphQL APIs. Catalyst Update Language selection in CLI - The
1741294527533 PCI 4.0 Compliance Requirementsby BigCommerceCheckout Updates New developer guide - Added a developer guide to assist in setting up PCI DSS 4.0 Section 6.4.3-compliant features for configuring open checkout, including step-by-step instructions and troubleshooting tips. Webhook
1740678509306 Persisting analytics session IDsby BigCommerceGraphQL Storefront Updates Analytics session IDs - The GraphQL API now supports including a visitor ID when creating a session sync JWT using the generateSessionSyncJwt mutation. See the Persisting analytics session IDs section for
1740073407800 API Updates for February 20, 2025by BigCommerceCatalyst Update Multi-language Setup guide - Clarified how to modify product URLs and specified the languages available for default translations. Unified Billing Update Testing Unified Billing with your app - Revised this section to
1738863122363 API Updates for February 6, 2025by BigCommerceStencil Handlebars partial blocks for Stencil Stencil now supports Handlebars partial blocks, enabling merchants to leverage the latest handlebar features and best practices for enhanced flexibility and performance. Unified
1738260465302 API Updates for January 30, 2025by BigCommerceAPI Cursor Pagination for getCustomers Cursor pagination is now available in the Customers V3 API for both the Get All Customers and Get Customer Form Field Values endpoints. This update improves navigation performance and supports
1733420561067 API Updates for December 5, 2024by BigCommerceAPI We’re happy to announce that you can now retrieve channels to which a product is assigned when you get a product through the Catalog API. You can also filter products by the channel when you Get All Products. GraphQL We added the
1731003018020 API Updates for November 7, 2024by BigCommerceAPI We’re happy to announce that you can create shipping methods specific to a storefront channel to help you localize your storefront when selling internationally and across customer segments. We’ve added a fee item type to Refund