1742838519890 Next.js 15.2.3 - Security Update, Upgrade recommended for Catalyst storefrontsby BigCommerceNext.js has released version 15.2.3 to address a security vulnerability. Due to this CVE in previous versions, we recommend that developers upgrade to the latest version based on the guidance in Next.js’s official blog post here. As
1741883606725 GraphQL Best Practicesby BigCommerceGraphQL API Update New Article: Best Practices for Using GraphQL APIs - Introduced a new guide to help merchants optimize store stability and performance when working with GraphQL APIs. Catalyst Update Language selection in CLI - The
1740073407800 API Updates for February 20, 2025by BigCommerceCatalyst Update Multi-language Setup guide - Clarified how to modify product URLs and specified the languages available for default translations. Unified Billing Update Testing Unified Billing with your app - Revised this section to
1739897170781 Cornerstone 6.16.1 for February 18, 2025by BigCommerceEnhancements & Fixes Event handling: Updated the cart and payment account page to replace inline event handlers with event listeners. #2536 Multiple date field support: Enhanced Cornerstone to support multiple date fields while removing
1738260465302 API Updates for January 30, 2025by BigCommerceAPI Cursor Pagination for getCustomers Cursor pagination is now available in the Customers V3 API for both the Get All Customers and Get Customer Form Field Values endpoints. This update improves navigation performance and supports
1737384896921 Cornerstone 6.16.0 for January 20, 2025by BigCommerceCornerstone 6.16.0 Remove the escaping of the “=” symbol for blog and brand. #2528 Add nonce to scripts in checkout and account pages. #2525 Remove the escaping of the “=” symbol for <head>. #2526 Add Karla 700 font weight to
1731003018020 API Updates for November 7, 2024by BigCommerceAPI We’re happy to announce that you can create shipping methods specific to a storefront channel to help you localize your storefront when selling internationally and across customer segments. We’ve added a fee item type to Refund
1729526484838 Cornerstone 6.15.0 for October 21, 2024by BigCommerceCornerstone 6.15.0 Adding mobile nav dropdown focusTrap. #2465 Remove remote_api_scripts to avoid double firing Meta Pixel analytics. #2467 Prevent flow outside page container on account pages. #2462 Account.js - Fixed jQuery selector
1727368512769 API Updates for September 26, 2024by BigCommerceAPI We’re happy to announce the newly released Promotion Settings API. The V2 Orders API endpoints now include the is_tax_inclusive_pricing field in the response. Catalyst Added a document about the Catalyst API Client. Learn how to