API Updates and Announcements for February 24, 2022
by BigCommerce
API Added new endpoint: Update Customer Messages Added new limits: Checkout V3- 50 character limit for coupon codes Marketing V2- 250 character limit for messages Orders V2- 65535 character limit for order shipment comments Orders V3- 50timestamp1642015585330
Upcoming changes to HTTP header casing
by BigCommerce
Infrastructural changes to BigCommerce over the next 2 weeks may result in some HTTP headers being returned as lowercase which previously had a mixture of uppercase and lowercase characters. For example, HTTP header names such astimestamp1639581782481
Cornerstone 6.2.0 for December 15, 2021
by BigCommerce
Theme 6.2.0 Fix tooltip on close button of modal is shifted.#2148 Optimized usage of jsTree library.#2145 Replace schema microdata with LD+JSON tag.#2138 Translation Gap: Checkbox Option selection on Product.#2063 Admin Bar displaystimestamp1639071645453
API Updates for December 9, 2021
by BigCommerce
API Added store/order/transaction/created and store/order/transaction/updated webhook events. Please note that if your application uses the store/order/* scope to create webhooks, it will start receiving this event and should be prepared totimestamp1636736690641
Cornerstone 6.1.2 and 6.1.3 for November 12, 2021
by BigCommerce
Theme 6.1.3 Cannot see currency dropdown in storefront.#2141 6.1.2 Hide prices for aria-label and data-product-price attributes if set to "Hidden for guests". Hide currency selection for non-logged in users.#2131 Added basic validation fortimestamp1636647269133
API Updates & Announcements for November 11, 2021
by BigCommerce
API Localized Abandoned Cart Emails have moved into Open Beta. See Developer Documentation for more information. Added a new possible response code for API requests. Some V2 and V3 endpoints now return a`207` Multi-Status code when multipletimestamp1633530588225
Cornerstone 6.1.1 for October 6, 2021
by BigCommerce
Theme Fix product images on PDP with clipped outlines.#2124 Changed debounce wait time for search to 1200 ms from 200 ms.#2115 Additional checkout buttons don't work when applying a 100% discount coupon.#2109 Fix sliding carousel withtimestamp1632343696511
API Update and Announcements for September 23, 2021
by BigCommerce
Developer Blog
API Determine the checkout that best suits your needs by reviewing the checkout options described in the new checkout customizability article. Email Templates Added Email Templates Code Examples to demonstrate how to update text, add a
Required Stencil-CLI version set to 3.5.0
by BigCommerce
A bug affecting users of stencil-CLI has been fixed as of CLI version 3.5.0. As this bug was resulting in CLI requests incorrectly redirecting which resulted in a degradation of the local development experience, we have bumped the required