Dev Center Updates

API Updates for June 15, 2023

by BigCommerce
API Added webhooks for price list assignments. Added limits for the coupon code length and coupon name. See Create a Coupon Code (Beta) and Create a New Coupon. Stencil Added information on how to access items in the Stencil object. See
Developer Blog

API Updates for June 1, 2023

by BigCommerce
API Updated maximum inventory levels in the Inventory and Catalog APIs WordPress Added additional BigCommerce for WordPress Troubleshooting documentation. Theme Added limits to the banners object.

Cornerstone 6.11.0 for May 25, 2023

by BigCommerce
6.11.0 Reverted fix for sold-out badge appearance. #2354 If the gift is a variant, the button "Change" shows in the cart, and other variants are visible. #2349 Removes URL encoding from the 'description' in the product-rich snippet

API Updates and Announcements for May 4, 2023

by BigCommerce
API Deprecated the Get Events endpoint. Deprecated the events_history_enabled field in the Create a Webhook and Update a Webhook endpoints. Developer Blog BigCommerce Launches Three Major Enhancements to B2B Edition
Developer Blog

API Updates and Announcement for March 30, 2023

by BigCommerce
API The Update an Order endpoint now has the capability to update the custom form field on an existing order. Announcement BigCommerce is preparing to deprecate our current node-sass compiler in favor of the more modern dart-sass. This
Developer Blog

Cornerstone 6.10.0 for March 27, 2023

by BigCommerce
Theme 6.10.0 A bug with the display of the product quantity on the PDP. #2340 Extended initialization interface of the storefront-account-payments lib, added theme styles. #2335 Added showAlertModal to the storefront-account-payments

API Updates for March 23, 2023

by BigCommerce
API Updated the list of BigCommerce for WordPress OAuth scopes. See Getting your API credentials for more information. GraphQL Users API is now available in our collection of GraphQL APIs. Added documentation for Buy Online, Pick Up in
Developer Blog

Cornerstone 6.9.0 for March 23, 2023

by BigCommerce
Theme 6.9.0 Fix sold-out badge appearance. #2315 Remove xlink attributes on svg. #2322 Bump Stencil utils to 6.15.0. #2327 form.serialize() ignores dropdown option elements that have the disabled attribute. #2326 Extended

Announcement for February 16, 2023

by BigCommerce
Coming Soon: New Redesigned BigCommerce Dev Center We are excited to share that we will launch a new Dev Center in the coming weeks. We aim to make it simple to find documentation and resources that empower you to think creatively and work
Developer Blog