API Update for April 28, 2022

by BigCommerce
API Added the ability to apply a manual discount using the Checkout Discounts endpoint. Developer Blog Improve Storefront Performance: Updated Product Image Fetching using GraphQL Best Practices
Developer Blog

API Update and Announcement for April 7, 2022

by BigCommerce
Checkout Added new endpoints, Get Checkout Settings and Update Checkout Settings, to allow for updating a checkout loader script URL via API. Developer Blog The BigCommerce Order Confirmation Page is Newly Customizable What’s New for
Developer Blog

Change to default number of product images returned by GraphQL on April 15

by BigCommerce
On April 15, 2022, the behavior of the product.images node in the GraphQL storefront API will be changing to only return 10 images by default. If you wish to request a different number of product images, you should specify the`first`
Storefront API

Developer Update for March 24, 2022

by BigCommerce
WordPress Added documentation that outlines how to improve WP-Cron reliability when using the BigCommerce for WordPress plugin. Developer Blog V3 Pages API Debuts Bulk Operations & MSF Compatibility
Developer Blog

Cornerstone 6.3.0 for March 16, 2022

by BigCommerce
Theme 6.3.0 Update blog component to use H1 tags on posts.#2179 Remove Compare Form.#2162 Fixed password complexity error not displaying the complexity rules set in the store settings.#2117 Translation updates February 2022.#2177

API Updates and Announcements for February 24, 2022

by BigCommerce
API Added new endpoint: Update Customer Messages Added new limits: Checkout V3- 50 character limit for coupon codes Marketing V2- 250 character limit for messages Orders V2- 65535 character limit for order shipment comments Orders V3- 50
Developer Blog

Cornerstone 6.2.0 for December 15, 2021

by BigCommerce
Theme 6.2.0 Fix tooltip on close button of modal is shifted.#2148 Optimized usage of jsTree library.#2145 Replace schema microdata with LD+JSON tag.#2138 Translation Gap: Checkbox Option selection on Product.#2063 Admin Bar displays

API Updates for December 9, 2021

by BigCommerce
API Added store/order/transaction/created and store/order/transaction/updated webhook events. Please note that if your application uses the store/order/* scope to create webhooks, it will start receiving this event and should be prepared to
Developer Blog

API Updates for December 2, 2021

by BigCommerce
API The Add to Cart URLs example now uses promises to demonstrate using JavaScript to make serial requests to a single endpoint. The Add Consignments to Checkout endpoint now reflects limits to the number of line items a consignment can
Storefront API
Bug Fix