over 4 years ago
Cornerstone 4.9.0
by BigCommerce
Added correct alt text on image change in product view. #1747 Description tab is hidden in case of empty product description. #1746 Stencil CLI updated to the latest version. #1744 Added immediate keyboard focus for quick view modal...over 4 years ago
Cornerstone 4.8.0
by BigCommerce
Fixed Facebook button during modal scrolling behaviour. #1724 Fixed Product Image dimensions not constrained proportionally on Cart page which can lead to element overlapping. #1722 Added byte type on file upload options when max file...over 4 years ago
Control Panel URL change now live
by BigCommerce
The URL used in all store Control Panels will now reflect the store's Permanent Address (i.e. store-abc123.mybigcommerce.com). Previously, if a store had an SSL certificate installed, the store URL (i.e. my-store.com) and the Control...almost 5 years ago
API & Theme Updates for May 7, 2020
by BigCommerce
API New Themes configuration endpoints now available Clarified documentation to note store/cart/abandoned will fire whether or not a store has the Abandoned Cart Saver feature enabled. GET Customers V3 endpoint includes new sort...almost 5 years ago
API and Theme Updates, April 16, 2020
by BigCommerce
API Updated Payments API sample app diagram Adyen removed from list of providers compatible with Payments API BigCommerce for Wordpress New article Multi-Channel Capabilities with Wordpress Theme %%GLOBALTrackingLink_List%% variable...almost 5 years ago
API and Theme Updates for April 2, 2020
by BigCommerce
API GraphQL API documentation expanded to include more information on making Customer Impersonation Token authenticated requests and querying the API from an external system store/shipment/created Webhook now sends orderID as an integer...about 5 years ago
Cornerstone 4.4.1
by BigCommerce
Enhancements and Bug Fixes Prevent triggering quantity change when pressing enter #1630 Replace Karma with Jest #1627 Fix price filter to honor control panel settings #1633over 5 years ago
API and Theme Updates for Dec 13, 2019
by BigCommerce
Scopes added Added required OAuth scopes for each BigCommerce API endpoint BigDesign View the Changelogs for the BigDesign project to stay updated on new features and bug fixes big-design big-design-theme big-design-icons configs docs...over 5 years ago
API and Theme Updates October, 25 2019
by BigCommerce
BigDesign We've released a public, open-source BigDesign sample app that consumes our Channels, Sites, and Routes APIs. The app is written in React and uses Netlify. There is now a publicly available [BigCommerce Figma design kit] (https...