about 3 years ago
Upcoming changes to HTTP header casing
by BigCommerce
Infrastructural changes to BigCommerce over the next 2 weeks may result in some HTTP headers being returned as lowercase which previously had a mixture of uppercase and lowercase characters. For example, HTTP header names such asover 3 years ago
API Updates for December 2, 2021
by BigCommerce
API The Add to Cart URLs example now uses promises to demonstrate using JavaScript to make serial requests to a single endpoint. The Add Consignments to Checkout endpoint now reflects limits to the number of line items a consignment canover 3 years ago
GraphQL Storefront API can now be used to power Stencil theme context
by BigCommerce
It is now possible to augment the data available in the theme context through the use of GraphQL queries described directly in the Front Matter of template files. Using this capability, you can fetch data a little bit more flexibly to buildover 3 years ago
Required Stencil-CLI version set to 3.5.0
by BigCommerce
A bug affecting users of stencil-CLI has been fixed as of CLI version 3.5.0. As this bug was resulting in CLI requests incorrectly redirecting which resulted in a degradation of the local development experience, we have bumped the requiredover 3 years ago
Rendered Widget HTML now available in GraphQL Storefront API
by BigCommerce
You may now fetch the rendered HTML of widgets created via Widgets API or Page Builder. To get the content, you’ll need to provide a page type, and the ID for the page (if necessary). In the response, you’ll get a list of all the regions onalmost 4 years ago
GraphQL Storefront API now supports sorting products within categories
by BigCommerce
The GraphQL Storefront API’s now supports sorting the products on a Category node, using the sortBy parameter. This will match the equivalent sorting behaviors on the BigCommerce Storefront (Stencil). Consider this query: queryalmost 4 years ago
GraphQL Login Mutation now returns entire Customer object
by BigCommerce
The GraphQL Storefront API’s Login Mutation now supports fetching all of the details of the customer account after a successful login. Consider this query: mutation Login($email: String!, $pass: String!) {
login(email: $email, password:almost 4 years ago
UPC, MPN, and GTIN now available in Storefront GraphQL API
by BigCommerce
The UPC, MPN, and GTIN fields are now available on both product and variant nodes in the GraphQL Storefront APIalmost 4 years ago
API Announcement for March 4, 2021
by BigCommerce
On April 30, 2021, the Coupon API will limit the characters allowed in a coupon name. An error will result if any special characters other than the following are used in the Coupon code field: Alphanumeric values White spaces Underscores (