over 4 years ago
GraphQL Complexity Limit Increased (October 2020)
by BigCommerce
We have once again adjusted the GraphQL Storefront API complexity limit to be more permissive, based on developer feedback. If you have previously bumped up against the complexity limit for a particular query, you are encouraged to try...over 4 years ago
Inventory levels are no longer returned in Stencil context based on settings
by BigCommerce
Inventory Levels will no longer be returned in the Stencil context data if your store's Inventory settings are set to "Don't show Stock Levels". Previously, this setting would only hide the stock levels on individual product pages...over 4 years ago
Cornerstone 4.11.0 for October 15, 2020
by BigCommerce
Theme Now supports global regions for display of widgets across multiple storefront pages. #1859 Add Info and Add Coupon forms on Cart Page tabbable when hidden. #1820 Fixed outline styles for breadcrumbs on focus state. #1824 Fixed...over 4 years ago
TLS 1.2+ required for API connections beginning October 31, 2020
by BigCommerce
BigCommerce will be deprecating the use of Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.1 on October 31, 2020 and customers will be required to utilize TLS versions 1.2 or greater. Any access to services that currently rely on TLS 1.1 or older will...over 4 years ago
Cornerstone 4.10.0 for October 1, 2020
by BigCommerce
Theme Return heading to product card. #1848 Quick search query param needs to be fixed while navigating to search page. #1832 Create unified focus styling in Cornerstone. #1812 Review link in quick modal focused twice. #1797 Fixed...over 4 years ago
Stencil-utils versions below 2.0.0 are deprecated
by BigCommerce
As of stencil-utils 2.0.0, the storefront API which returns the status of the cookie notification feature was removed: https://github.com/bigcommerce/cornerstone/pull/1380 This API is now deprecated, and will return a hardcoded...over 4 years ago
Required stencil-cli version is now 2.0.0
by BigCommerce
As of August 11, 2020, the required stencil-CLI version for local development is now 2.0.0. To update to the latest version of stencil-cli, simply run npm install -g @bigcommerce/stencil-cli. We recommend using the latest Node 10.x...over 4 years ago
Per-Device Image Resizing based on user agent has been disabled; use srcset
by BigCommerce
As of August 11, 2020, the BigCommerce CDN will no longer downscale the resolution of images when it detects that an end user is shopping from a mobile device with a small screen. In order to make sure that file size & quality is...over 4 years ago
Cornerstone 4.9.0
by BigCommerce
Added correct alt text on image change in product view. #1747 Description tab is hidden in case of empty product description. #1746 Stencil CLI updated to the latest version. #1744 Added immediate keyboard focus for quick view modal...