timestamp1737384896921Cornerstone 6.16.0 for January 20, 2025by BigCommerceCornerstone 6.16.0 Remove the escaping of the “=” symbol for blog and brand. #2528 Fix the product filter display name in the Show More modal window. #2510 Adding missing product reviews form validation. #2475 Support Stencil CLI’s ESM
timestamp1729526484838Cornerstone 6.15.0 for October 21, 2024by BigCommerceCornerstone 6.15.0 Adding mobile nav dropdown focusTrap. #2465 Remove remote_api_scripts to avoid double firing Meta Pixel analytics. #2467 Prevent flow outside page container on account pages. #2462 Account.js - Fixed jQuery selector
timestamp1716224636529Cornerstone 6.14.0 for May 20, 2024by BigCommerceCornerstone 6.14.0 account.php is inside of a list item. #2457 Screen reader only text must be provided. #2454 Remove “cookie notification” JS and CSS. #2447 Storefront navigation for switching between country-specific websites (step
timestamp1714067943073API Updates and Announcement for April 25, 2024by BigCommerceAPI We’re happy to announce Promotions API is Generally Available (GA). The GraphQL Storefront API now supports cart metafields. Added a Localization document that describes how to localize a Catalyst storefront. Webhooks The
timestamp1708373980376Cornerstone 6.13.0 for February 19, 2024by BigCommerceCornerstone 6.13.0 Fix HTML markup for product listing and below content region. #2426 With Product Filtering enabled widgets on the category page disappear after navigating using pagination. #2425 Update layout with correct usage of
timestamp1706298809763API Announcement for January 26, 2024by BigCommerceAnnouncement BigCommerce for WordPress Plugin Update Required! We have deployed a fix for a recent vulnerability found with the BigCommerce for WordPress plugin. To prevent security vulnerabilities, please upgrade your plugin by