timestamp1739897170781Cornerstone 6.16.1 for February 18, 2025by BigCommerceEnhancements & Fixes Event handling: Updated the cart and payment account page to replace inline event handlers with event listeners. #2536 Multiple date field support: Enhanced Cornerstone to support multiple date fields while removing
timestamp1737384896921Cornerstone 6.16.0 for January 20, 2025by BigCommerceCornerstone 6.16.0 Remove the escaping of the “=” symbol for blog and brand. #2528 Add nonce to scripts in checkout and account pages. #2525 Remove the escaping of the “=” symbol for <head>. #2526 Add Karla 700 font weight to
timestamp1729526484838Cornerstone 6.15.0 for October 21, 2024by BigCommerceCornerstone 6.15.0 Adding mobile nav dropdown focusTrap. #2465 Remove remote_api_scripts to avoid double firing Meta Pixel analytics. #2467 Prevent flow outside page container on account pages. #2462 Account.js - Fixed jQuery selector
timestamp1716224636529Cornerstone 6.14.0 for May 20, 2024by BigCommerceCornerstone 6.14.0 account.php is inside of a list item. #2457 Screen reader only text must be provided. #2454 Remove “cookie notification” JS and CSS. #2447 Storefront navigation for switching between country-specific websites (step
timestamp1708373980376Cornerstone 6.13.0 for February 19, 2024by BigCommerceCornerstone 6.13.0 Fix HTML markup for product listing and below content region. #2426 With Product Filtering enabled widgets on the category page disappear after navigating using pagination. #2425 Update layout with correct usage of
timestamp1689008740537Cornerstone 6.12.0 for July 10, 2023by BigCommerceTheme 6.12.0 Sync package lock file. #2373 The stored payment method name is not visible in Cornerstone Bold theme style. #2371 (sanitize product.description) in the theme results to ‘error length of description’ from Google indexing
timestamp1679937943312Cornerstone 6.10.0 for March 27, 2023by BigCommerceTheme 6.10.0 A bug with the display of the product quantity on the PDP. #2340 Extended initialization interface of the storefront-account-payments lib, added theme styles. #2335 Added showAlertModal to the storefront-account-payments
timestamp1679593598629Cornerstone 6.9.0 for March 23, 2023by BigCommerceTheme 6.9.0 Fix sold-out badge appearance. #2315 Remove xlink attributes on svg. #2322 Bump Stencil utils to 6.15.0. #2327 form.serialize() ignores dropdown option elements that have the disabled attribute. #2326 Extended