GraphQL Login Mutation now returns entire Customer object

by BigCommerce
The GraphQL Storefront API’s Login Mutation now supports fetching all of the details of the customer account after a successful login. Consider this query: mutation Login($email: String!, $pass: String!) { login(email: $email, password:
Storefront API

UPC, MPN, and GTIN now available in Storefront GraphQL API

by BigCommerce
The UPC, MPN, and GTIN fields are now available on both product and variant nodes in the GraphQL Storefront API
Storefront API

GraphQL Complexity Limit Increased (October 2020)

by BigCommerce
We have once again adjusted the GraphQL Storefront API complexity limit to be more permissive, based on developer feedback. If you have previously bumped up against the complexity limit for a particular query, you are encouraged to try...
Storefront API

GraphQL Storefront API Complexity Scoring Adjusted

by BigCommerce
Based on feedback from our developer community, we've adjusted the weighting of our GraphQL Storefront API's complexity scoring in order to be more permissive. As a result, queries which may have previously been rejected on the basis of...
Storefront API

GraphQL Storefront API - Bulk Pricing on Products and Variants

by BigCommerce
The GraphQL Storefront API now supports fetching the bulk pricing tiers on both products and variants. Consider this query: query bulkPricingTiers { site { products(first: 3) { edges { cursor node...
Storefront API

GraphQL Storefront API updates - Variant-level inventory!

by BigCommerce
New features You may now request inventory levels for each product variant. Note that inventory levels will NOT be returned if your store settings are set to not display stock levels on the storefront. Consider this query: query...
Storefront API

GraphQL Storefront API updates - Metafields on Product, Category, Brand, Variant

by BigCommerce
New features Metafields which have been associated with products, categories, brands, or variants can now be accessed via the GraphQL Storefront API. The metafield must be marked with a permissionset of readandsfaccess or writeandsf...
Storefront API

GraphQL Storefront API updates - Product inventory

by BigCommerce
New Features A new inventory node has been exposed on products which allows you to fetch the aggregate product inventory. For a simple product, this will be the inventory value. For a product with multiple variants and variant-level...
Storefront API

GraphQL Storefront API Updates - May 5th

by BigCommerce
New Features You may now request the product description as plain text (with HTML tags stripped) using the new plainTextDescription field. To encourage not over-fetching, and to support cases where you want to show only a small preview...
Storefront API